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An Admiralty Drifter and Rosa (1)

DEC. 13TH. - BLYTH, AND TYNEMOUTH, NORTHUMBERLAND, AND SUNDERLAND, DURHAM. An Admiralty drifter had been blown up by enemy action, but Blyth life-boat could find no survivors.

She was then directed to a position where theBelgian steamer Rosa, of Bruges, had been blown up, but found that other vessels had rescued the survivors. The Tynemouth life-boat, with the honorary secretary, Mr. E. Selby Davidson, on board, also searched for survivors from the drifter, but found none and so did the Sunderland lifeboat.

- Rewards : Blyth, £8 5s. 6d. ; Tynemouth, £7 11s. ; Sunderland, £11 13s. 3d.