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‘Excited, happy and proud of himself’

That’s how 7-year-old Jim – often quite a shy boy – felt after taking part in a beach-based activity session with RNLI lifeguards and Swim England last summer. Jim is just one of 543,170 children we reached in 2018, with water safety advice and stories of the RNLI’s history. What we learn as children stays with us. And we believe that by helping young people understand the water, we’re not only reducing the number of call outs for our lifesavers now, but also ensuring safer behaviour that lasts a lifetime. It helps that it’s fun too. You can read more about how we’re keeping children safe, with your
support, from page 22. From the summer issue, Bethany Hope will be taking over as editor of Lifeboat magazine. Many of you will know Bethany as the editor of Offshore – our magazine for supporters who use the water for fun.

It’s been a privilege to look after this publication, which has been running since 1852, for a couple of years, and to hear from so many of you. I’ll still be working in the RNLI’s Creative Team, but on some different fundraising and safety projects. And I know Bethany will produce an inspiring magazine that will get you even closer to the action. One person who would like to say goodbye is our Chief Executive, Paul
Boissier. Read a message from Paul on page 30. We wish him all the very best for his retirement. And we hope he, like Jim, is excited, happy and proud of himself. Thank you, as ever, for your ongoing support.

Mairéad Dwane