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I’ve just read the article ‘Happy birthday, Frammy!’ (Lifeboat, summer 2018). I was born at Whitby in the
1920s and one of my first recollections is watching the crew of the lifeboat trying to row out in a
fierce winter storm. They couldn’t get out as the sea was too rough, and I think the Scarborough boat managed the rescue. My mother led me away as it was very frightening. The waves were huge and kept sweeping the crew back from the entrance of the harbour. I think I must have been about 3 or 4. I am so glad to be able to contribute to the wonderful work you do. I wish I lived near the sea but I’m stuck in the middle of the country! Mary Youings, Derbyshire


Mallaig’s Severn class lifeboat undertook an unusual passage on Sunday 26 August 2018. Starting off in Hertfordshire in the early hours, she proceeded overland by road to Mallaig, arriving in the evening in the careful hands of the Park and Clissold family. No, this was not the station boat Henry Alston Hewat, but a scale model of her built by Dave Park from Stevenage. Sadly Dave, an RNLI supporter and a keen and talented modelmaker, passed away earlier in 2018. Over some years, he built a radio-controlled sailing replica of the Mallaig Severn class lifeboat, reproducing the exact detail, including the daughter boat number. Dave’s nephew Roger contacted the station to inform us of the family’s wish to donate the model. The team at Mallaig had no hesitation in accepting their kind offer after seeing pictures that Roger had forwarded on. We welcomed Dave’s family to the station to receive the model. Dave was very fond of holidaying in Scotland and it seems a fitting tribute to his hard work and passion for the RNLI that 17-26 has come home.
Michael Ian Currie, Coxswain, Mallaig Lifeboat Station


I was thumbing through my copy of Lifeboat (autumn 2018) over coffee at breakfast when I came
across a small item in the article about tracing family trees. I was drawn in by Richard Beard’s research
into the loss of his little brother Nicky in 1978. They say a picture paints a thousand words and this was certainly the case. After reading the brief text, my eyes panned right to the image of four brothers enjoying some holiday time together filled with mischief, fun and expectation for another great day together. My eyes just drilled down into that picture and little Nicky (on the left) looking into the camera so full of life. To think that he lost his life soon after this photo was taken and of the utter devastation that his brothers and family would suffer was a very poignant moment for me over my coffee. My brother and I used to go swimming on holidays in Cornwall many years ago. The amazing circumstances in which Richard was able to speak with Ted Childs and connect with an RNLI volunteer involved in the rescue attempt of Nicky may – I am telling myself – have helped Richard to find some peace. I cannot really say thank you for this article, as it doesn’t sound right, but it’s an example of how important it is to have the RNLI and to continue to strive to prevent the loss at
sea of innocent young people like Nicky. My thoughts are with Richard and his brothers Tim and Jem.
Paul Jobling

My partner Sam and our little boy Quinn who is 5 months old really enjoyed reading the latest issue of
Lifeboat magazine. I wonder if Quinn is your youngest reader?
Ann-Marie Long


Each year on Remembrance Day I march to our local war memorial with fellow WI members and representatives of local organisations. As an ex-Wren I have always tended to think mainly of the role of the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force – and also the merchant navy and the fire service. After reading your excellent and inspiring article Stars in our Time of Darkness (Lifeboat, autumn 2018), the brave men of the RNLI will now also be foremost in my thoughts and prayers.
Pamela Miley, Somerset

Photos: Richard Beard, Ann-Marie Long, RNLI/ (Grahame Farr Archives, Mallaig, Ceri Oakes)

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