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Penarth: Marathon Effort

Last year, Penarth trainee Crew Member Simon Marchant completed more than 40 marathons in Wales
over 41 days, raising a fantastic £779 for the RNLI. Simon set off with a goal of running an average of 26.2 miles a day (the length of a marathon) over 42 days but, beating his own expectations, Simon smashed his target a day early – instead covering 1,050 miles around the Welsh coast in 41 days. Simon ran Dyke and the Wales Coast Path, and visited all the Welsh lifeboat stations along his way. Simon’s motivation for volunteering and fundraising is his brother, who was rescued by RNLI lifeguards in Cornwall after being found unconscious and unresponsive in the water next to his surfboard by two surfers. ‘RNLI lifeguards recovered him to the beach and administered CPR and oxygen until the air ambulance arrived to take him to hospital,’ recalls Simon. ‘I’d rather not think what could have happened to be honest, but he’s fine now with an amazing family of his own.’ An incredible effort by Simon – well done and welcome onboard!