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News Your guide to what's been going on in the world of the RNLI


Our superfit supporters raise thousands for the RNLI through running events. And at Christmas they were joined by a new team mate: the animated turkey Captain McStuffing. Our feathered fundraiser
took part in the PayPal Turkey Dash – a televised race with competitors from seven other charities. The public were asked to make donations to support their favourite turkey. The more donations received, the better their turkey would perform on the day. And thanks to his generous fanbase, Captain McStuffing was first across the finish line!
Thank you to everyone who supported the Captain. The total the RNLI received from the event was £35,500. You can watch the race at PS: Good luck to every RNLI runner taking part in the Virgin Money London Marathon and other races throughout the summer. We’re with you all the way!


RNLI lifeguards were back on selected UK beaches over Easter. This spring, you’ll see them on duty on some of our more popular beaches during half-term and weekends. More and more beaches will see lifeguards return as we approach the peak summer season. You can find a full list of beaches, including lifeguard patrol dates, at


Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in Poole on 19 July. Booking is essential, so please visit AGM2018 for more information.


In January 2017, the RNLI became a fully opted-in organisation. This means we can only contact you by post, email or telephone if you’ve given us permission to do so. And this February, we achieved the milestone of 500,000 supporters opted in to receive communications from us. This is vital for us to be able to give our lifesavers everything they need to keep saving lives. Thank you to everyone who has opted in so far. And if you know someone who supports the RNLI and may have lost touch with us, do ask them to visit or call us using the contact details on the inside cover.

Congratulations to our RNLI people recognised in HM The Queen’s 2018 New Year Honours for their contribution to saving lives at sea:
Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE):
William Hopkins became president of Port Talbot Lifeboat Station in 1990 and has overseen the fundraising for, and arrival of, three new lifeboats. He’s been awarded an MBE for his services to the community, particularly maritime safety and children, in South Wales.
David (Dai) Jenkins from Aberystwyth Lifeboat Station has dedicated 55 years to the RNLI as crew member, lifeboat operations manager, fundraiser and treasurer.
Chris Lewis is the first RNLI lifeguard to be recognised with an MBE. One of our longest-serving lifeguards, Chris has given 52 years to the community of Poole and Bournemouth, performing hundreds of rescues through the years.
David Steenvoorden has served as an RNLI crew member for over 30 years. Joining Cleethorpes Lifeboat Station in 1987, he moved to the Humber crew 3 years later – where he now serves as coxswain. He also holds an RNLI Bronze
Medal for Gallantry.
Mike Tipton has been recognised for his 10 years of dedication and research into beach lifeguard and crew fitness standards and, more recently, with the Respect the Water campaign.
British Empire Medal (BEM)
Richard Marriott has raised close to £250,000 for the RNLI in 37 years and has been recognised for his dedication to the charity. Order of the British Empire (OBE) Thomas Burgess has been recognised for his services to charity and business, including the RNLI. Thomas contributed towards a new D class lifeboat in Cleethorpes Lifeboat Station in 2012.
Anthony (Tony) Delahunty, Deputy Launching Authority and former crew from Selsey Lifeboat Station, has been honoured for his service to the fishing Industry.

Words: Anna Burn, Mairéad Dwane 

Photos: PayPal, RNLI/(Anna Burn, Nathan Williams)