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When it comes to making our waters safer, everyone can play their part

Watching the Cox’s Bazar lifeguards receive their awards in December (see Rescue, p16), it struck me that this could have been any lifeguard club back home – give or take the odd rickshaw zipping past. The boards hanging on the walls, the surf competition photos, letters of thanks – here’s one more group of people making every life count in their community. Around the UK, Ireland and
beyond, people are coming together to save more lives. Rescues from Lerwick, Trearddur Bay and Galway show the value of volunteer crews’ local expertise. We look at an exciting new partnership with the Gaelic Athletic Association that will reinforce our Respect the Water campaign in Irish communities (p24). And there’s a new feature on p29 that celebrates the unsung heroes in our fundraising
teams. As I edit Lifeboat for the first time, it’s also heartening to read about Richard Lewis (p30), who not only turned the RNLI around in the 1850s, but also founded the magazine that you’re reading today. Thank you for everything you do to help save lives at sea. Enjoy your magazine, and have a wonderful and safe summer. 

Philly Byrde


How do our volunteers achieve the extraordinary? Head to this brand new section of our website, which features regular updates from new crew members as they train with the RNLI.

As we move to a new system that runs everything from ordering parts to logging shouts, we’re sorry we can’t compile the data to share
Launches with you this edition. We’re bringing you extended Rescue and RNLI Family sections, and Launches will return in theautumn. You can find other ways to follow launches at