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‘The cause is individual, national, and universal … The people and vessels of every nation, whether in peace or in war, [are] to be equally objects of this Institution …’

They are the words of Sir William Hillary, who founded the RNLI in 1824. Imagine the pride he’d feel today if he knew that the institution would go on to save 141,500 lives. Imagine his astonishment at the thousands of volunteers that raise funds and prevent tragedies in 2017 – and the technology our lifesavers use to keep themselves and other people safe. It all started with someone who could not stand by while people were drowning, because he knew it was preventable. Today there are people drowning around our own shores who are beyond saving through rescue. So we’re doing more than ever to encourage people to respect the water in and around the UK and Ireland (see News). But, globally, drowning is an epidemic. As you’ll read on page 24, the RNLI is looking at how to help. Meanwhile, our lifesavers are at the ready to rescue those in trouble, just as they have been since 1824. From Greek cargo ship crew members saved 50 years ago (p18) to people rescued in 2016 (see our Rescue pages) – the RNLI has been keeping people safe whoever they are, wherever they need us. We can’t do that without your kind support.
Thank you.

Plans for the next RNLI AGM are underway – if you’re interested in attending please visit AGM2017 for more information. RNLI Governors will receive an official notification and instructions separately.