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Welcome (and farewell)

I stepped down as Chairman of the RNLI at the end of September – but I could not do so without taking the opportunity to thank you

As ever, you’ll find stories showing the remarkable courage and selflessness of our lifesavers and volunteers in this magazine. They cannot do it without you, whether you give a donation or raise funds for the charity. We have 1,032 branches and guilds and together last year they raised an amazing £13.8M. I want you to know that we strive to make sure every penny and cent is spent wisely. I will miss this role hugely, but I’m delighted to hand over to somebody who brings amazing skills to ensure we continue our journey – to improve what we do to find new ways of preserving lives and ensure that our rescue service is second to none. Stuart Popham (see p41) will do a fantastic job. He is a true volunteer, and a wonderful person. Meanwhile, although I have handed over the tiller, the RNLI will always be part of my heart and soul. Thank you very much to anyone reading this who has given their support during my 3 years as chair and over my 25 years as a volunteer – you have helped us change and save lives.