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A 14-year-old girl was rescued by Morecambe lifeboat crew after being trapped up to her waist in mud for 90 minutes. Morecambe’s inshore rescue hovercraft crew, accompanied by a Coastguard rescue helicopter, headed to the scene, locating the cold and distressed teenager at about 7.30pm. The volunteers dug her out of the mud using specialist equipment and, fearing complications associated with suspension trauma (due to the length of time she had been trapped), transferred her from the hovercraft to the helicopter, which took her to hospital. The girl’s mother later sent a message of thanks to the lifeboat crew, which they shared using Twitter (pictured).

I would like to personally thank each and every individual involved in her rescue. You saved my daughter's life and for that I will be forever thankful. Despite warnings to stay off the sands and wandering too far out; they think they're invincible and nothing will happen to them. I've never been so frightened in my all my days. It's a day I will never forget – I will be making a donation to you guys for sure xxx