MAYDAY 2016: a prima response
The ballerinas of the Birmingham Royal Ballet were among the first to answer our Mayday call during the RNLI’s big annual fundraising event (pictured above). Premiership rugby players also pulled on crew boots in aid of Mayday 2016 – James Haskell, England rugby star and Wasps captain, said: ‘We’re always pushing ourselves to the max in all kinds of weather conditions, but at least we know when we’re expected to perform! That’s why I have so much respect and admiration for the volunteer crew members.’ Top cyclists also played their part – the RNLI was the Tour de Yorkshire’s chosen charity, with all funds raised going to Mayday. Meanwhile fundraisers and supporters across the Republic of Ireland and UK showed their admiration by buying and selling yellow welly pin badges, taking part in events and giving donations from 26 April to 2 May. As we went to press, funds were still coming in – but if you took part, thanks for answering the call.