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Bronze for Lochinver coxswain

Remember our rescue story in Spring 2015, reporting how Lochinver and Thurso crews aided a fish carrier during a 13-hour rescue in a gale? Now the Lochinver Coxswain, David MacAskill (above right), is to be awarded an RNLI Bronze Medal for Gallantry in recognition of his selfless courage and determination during the arduous rescue. ‘The Lochinver crew faced appalling Bronze for Lochinver coxswain conditions during this service. When a lifeboat is pitching and rolling beneath you it takes a huge effort to also assess a hazardous situation and making difficult decisions is incredibly challenging,’ says George Rawlinson, RNLI Operations Director. ‘Coxswain MacAskill did all this while skilfully manoeuvring the lifeboat, ensuring that both his crew and his attention to the casualty vessel was to the highest standards of seamanship. The bravery and determination of Coxswain MacAskill and his crew saved the captain and crew of the Norholm. I’d like to thank them all for their commitment and dedication to saving lives at sea and congratulate  them on their well-deserved awards.’ Read more on the rescue – and watch video footage – at