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Sir William Hillary, founder of the RNLI, believed that sea rescue was ‘a cause which extends from the palace to the cottage ... and which addresses itself with equal force to all the best feelings of every class in the state.’ So began our Institution’s close connection with the Royal family. Some 128 years later, at the age of 25, Princess Elizabeth ascended to the throne, following her mother’s footsteps to become, as Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, patron of the RNLI. Although she now supports more than 600 charities and organisations, Her Majesty has still found the time to take a very real interest in our lifeboats and their crews. To date, she has officially named five lifeboats, visited numerous lifeboat stations, invited hundreds of RNLI volunteers to the palace, and included many more RNLI people in her honours lists. In July 2004, HM The Queen also opened the Lifeboat College, which any visitor Main: The Queen pictured meeting crew in 1962 (see timeline overleaf) Right: The Queen at the
opening of RNLI College in Poole 2004 to Poole Headquarters will recognise as the home of crew training (and home of the best view this side of a pint of lifeboat ale). ‘If you look at any photos of The Queen’s visits to our stations, all the lifeboat crew and supporters she meets are beaming from ear to ear. It is a hugely special moment to have your hard work and dedication recognised in that way – the same for those volunteers who have been awarded medals and invited to Royal functions,’ says RNLI Chairman Charles Hunter-Pease. ‘Of course, anything The Queen does with us receives a lot of attention, so it’s a great opportunity to spread our safety messages and proudly show off the lifesaving work our people do each and every day.’ Our archive contains a treasure trove of royal photos and press cuttings – here are just a few in celebration of 64 years of royal support. 


A 10-year-old Robbie Maiden, who later became Coxswain of Hartlepool lifeboat, met The Queen in 1977.
Her Majesty was in town to name the lifeboat The Scout as part of her Silver Jubilee celebrations. Robbie recalls: ‘I was dressed in a small lifeboat gansey and bobble hat. I had to present a big book about the RNLI and the royal family to The Queen. I was told she wouldn’t talk to me but she did and asked me about the lifeboat. I told her my dad was the coxswain and that’s what I wanted to be. I was proud as punch.’

The Mary Williams Pier in Newlyn was opened by HRH Queen Elizabeth in 1980, and RNLI volunteers lined up to greet the royal party. Elaine Trethowan is Lifeboat Press Officer at Penlee, and spoke to former Crew Member Leslie ‘Nabo’ Nicholls about his memories of the event: ‘She asked Nabo what he did for a living. Nabo explained that he was a fisherman, as was his shipmate Barrie Torrie, and pointed out their trawler, moored on the North Pier. The Queen said “you’re all very brave men” and then moved along, briefly stopping to speak to the other crew. Sadly, Barrie was lost on the Solomon Browne lifeboat disaster a year later, along with the rest of the lifeboat volunteers.’

On a sunny Wednesday in July 2004, RNLI volunteers, supporters and staff watched Her Majesty officially open the Lifeboat College at Poole Headquarters. The Royal Party and assembled crowds watched as all the coxswains and helmsmen held their caps aloft and gave three cheers for The Queen, which she acknowledged with a smile and a wave.

Stacie Nicoll was just 6 years old when she met The Queen in 2002 at the naming ceremony of Falmouth’s Severn class lifeboat Richard Cox Scott. Now, aged 19, Stacie is a member of the station’s shore crew.


Crew from Tower Lifeboat Station met The Queen in February 2010, as Her Majesty toured London to meet the city’s ‘behind the scenes’ workers. Crew Member Roger Cohen remembers: ‘She was fairly struck by all the kit we have at the lifeboat station – about 60 drysuits were hanging up'.

Words: Laura Rainbow
Photos: RNLI/(Hartlepool, Penlee,
Simon Culliford, JP Trenque, Bella West)

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