PROBLEM: The kit onboard a fishing vessel is expensive, and many crews ‘make do’, mend, or replace their broken machinery with kit that’s not always in line with modern safety standards. On top of that, crew training isn’t always as comprehensive as it could be. In fact, 88 people have been injured or killed in deck machinery incidents on fishing vessels in UK waters in the past 5 years. SOLUTION: We’re working together with other organisations, including Seafish in the UK, to make it easier for commercial fishing crews to apply for new EU funding that could help them buy safer equipment. As part of a safety campaign, we’ve also produced a 6 minute safety video to get important information across to them. It features advice from a range of fishing safety experts and an interview with Jamie Griffin (pictured below) from the Isle of Man. In 2013 the former fisherman severed his arm, punctured a lung and broke eight ribs in a horrific deck machinery accident. Commercial fisherman who’d like to find out more, and watch the safety video, can visit