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Many thanks to reader Mark Harvey who contacted us about the main image for the Years of Their Lives feature in the last edition. According to our archive records, the image showed Harold Harvey on the right with crew members, coming ashore In central London ready to accept Gallantry Awards In March 1967. But Mark- Harold's son-spotted that the photo was actually taken during a later occasion ...

'Firstly the gentleman standing to the right of the picture on Evan Owens's left is Bill Sampson, the former technical manager of the RNLI's Depot at Borehamwood, and therefore is not my father Harold Harvey. Secondly the picture commemorates an entirely different event, which took place on the 9th November 1973, namely the 'Thames Cavalcade as Memorial to Coxswain Blogg of Cromer'.

'At the time, my father was Superintendent of Depot at Borehamwood and Bill Sampson was the technical manager of engineering works. The H. F. Bailey, currently on display at the Henry Blogg Museum in Cromer and arguably his most famous former lifeboat, was sold out of service in the Summer of 1973.

'My father handled H.F. Bailey's sale out of the Reserve Fleet in 1973. He skippered her across the Irish Sea from Crosshaven in Eire with Bill Sampson as engineer and me as an enthusiastic deck hand. The boat was craned out of the water in Bristol and taken by low loader to Holme Pierrepont near Nottingham where she was craned into the rowing lake as Leisure Sport's centrepiece for the 1973 World junior Rowing Championships, which they sponsored.

'In a future issue of Lifeboat, it would be fitting for all concerned if the record could be corrected regarding 'The Years of their Lives' article. In addition, as 2nd December 2016 marks the 50th anniversary of the Nafsiporos rescue, perhaps the Winter issue next year might feature an article to commemorate the service and heroism of all who took part. To the best of my knowledge, my father remains the only Inspector of Lifeboats in the history of the Institution to be awarded the Gold Medal for Gallantry.'
Mark Harvey, Preston

We're very grateful to Mark for setting the record straight and apologise for the error. Our Heritage team Is In touch with him to help ensure our HF Bailey records are as accurate as possible-and we're planning a feature on the Nafsiporos rescue later In 2016.


As ever our supporters have kept our Facebook page full of pictures and stories-and something that cropped up again and again were their photos of this display of pumpkins in the West Sussex village of Slindon. Robin Upton's family has created stunning murals made from pumpkins and squashes for nearly 50 years. And this Autumn he showed his appreciation for the RNLI, celebrating 150 years of lifesaving at Shoreham.

'We started the ball rotting last night with the first of my three Fish Supper evenings (only a little early). Our menu was a bit over the top but I think it was worth it. We started with a prawn cocktail followed by halibut on a bed of kale with vine tomatoes and baby potatoes and a choice of sauces (orange and dill or dark soya and ginger). Dessert was a lemon cheesecake with cream followed with a cheese board, then coffee and mints. It was a great success, raising £100. We are looking forward to the next exciting evening's entertainment (but not the washing up afterwards).'
Jason Tamplin

'I am competing in an lronman Triathlon in May 2016 after only starting to do running last year and completed a 1/2 marathon for my 50th birthday. I am doing this raise funds for the RNLI. Thank you.'
Tom Casey

'A very proud day for Abersoch RNLI- a new #lifeboat, a #royal visit and a long service #award!'
Abersoch RNLI

'My dog Finn wearing his new bandana we got him while on holiday. He will wear it every time he goes to the beach with pride to show his support to all the lifeboat people.'
Lynda Chadwick

To all at RNLI College-just thought I'd take time out and say, even though I don't live by the coast, I try to pop to lifeboat stations all over the coastline, and if it wasn't for the amazing college in Poole we wouldn't have the courage and the bravery of the crew members of lifeboats.
Simon Gruszeckyj

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