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'A loyal, committed and strong personality'

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Robert Wright MBE, Second Coxswain at Pwllheli Lifeboat Station. Robert was taken ill during a lifeboat launch in September and, despite the best efforts of his fellow crew and other emergency services, did not recover.

Cliff Thomas, Lifeboat Operations Manager at Pwllheli station, says: 'Bob was a loyal, committed and strong personality at Pwllheli Lifeboat Station. His father and grandfather both served before him and his great uncle was Coxswain at the beginning of the 1900s. The sea was in his blood.'

Matt Crofts, RNLI Lifesaving Delivery Manager, adds: 'He was a tremendously dedicated coxswain for many years and his excellence in seamanship, and helping others, was acknowledged nationally with the award of his MBE. Everyone at the station is extremely saddened by what has happened, and he will be greatly missed.'