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As I write, RNLI people have been attending and preparing for national and regional award ceremonies – events that celebrate the outstanding achievements of our volunteers, fundraisers and supporters.

Among those recognised at our Annual Presentation of Awards in London in May was Andrea Corrie, who lost her son to the River Thames. Since then, she has bravely and generously supported our safety and rescue efforts.

Our cover feature shows how tragedies like that have made us all the more determined to prevent people from getting into danger. We still want people to live life to the full on inland waterways, on beaches and on the sea.

But we want them to do it safely, and on p18 you’ll find more about some projects that will help, including one on the Thames. You can also read a review of Andrea’s book on p33 and read more about our annual awards and AGM on p23. In the words of our Chairman at the event, ‘There’s no stage big enough for the team behind our rescue and prevention work – the team that makes all the difference. Every one of you is part of that team.’


Last issue we sent a survey out with the magazine to see what you thought of it. Over 4,000 of you responded, which will give us a huge amount of valuable information about what you want to see more and less of in Lifeboat.

We look forward to sharing results with you next issue and letting you know of any resulting changes. Many thanks to all who responded!

Rory Stamp