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Safety - and why it matters

We’ve always been about keeping people safe, and that includes volunteers, staff, and supporters like you, says Chief Executive Paul Boissier:

‘For the last 191 years, the RNLI has been dedicated to the safety of seafarers and the people who use the waters around these islands. It matters to every one of us that the coast is as safe as it can be, and everyone at the RNLI is committed to keeping it that way.

‘But sometimes there’s a risk of overlooking the safety of the people around us, and that includes volunteers and staff – whether they’re on the water, at a fundraising event, on the road or in an office. I would like to make the RNLI an accidentfree organisation where we do everything we can to look after the safety of people who are generous enough to give their time and support to our lifesaving activity.

‘To achieve this, we need everyone – volunteers and staff – to be aware of safety and make it a top priority. We must make our environment safe for ourselves, and all of those around us, and that includes the many visitors we have to our premises. We need to do this because our people matter; without them there would be no RNLI.

‘You can help too. If you’re visiting the RNLI – a lifeboat station, shop, museum or fundraising event – and you see something that you think is unsafe, please report it. Email [email protected] or tell the relevant site manager or RNLI representative.

‘It all helps us prevent accidents before they happen. Thank you.’