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Days of generosity

Fundraisers in Liverpool, London and across Ireland are celebrating after raising lifesaving funds during two special events.

Mayday is Ireland's big RNLI fundraising event, held at the beginning of May. 2014 was the best yet, with yellow welly keyrings being sold by the bucketload and volunteers taking part in all sorts of activities in a bid to attract donations. For the first time, Liverpool fundraisers got involved in the action too. Westlife star and keen surfer Kian Egan (pictured middle, right) was one of the supporters of the event, which raised more than €135,000 in Ireland and over £5,000 in Liverpool.

Meanwhile, in London, funds collected during London Lifeboat Day were being counted. RNLI staff and volunteers collected donations across the city at the end of April, and raised more than £51,000.