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'An angel in yellow'

How does it feel to be saved by a lifeboat crew? Bruce Dibben was grateful and humble enough to send a letter of thanks to his rescuers …

‘I would like to pay tribute to my rescuers from Tenby lifeboat. On transit from Swansea to Milford Haven Saturday 5 April in my 30ft [9.1m] steel motor sailor, we suffered engine failure off Tenby in rising winds and wind-over-tide sea conditions.

‘A large wave hit us broadside, throwing me onto the wheelhouse floor, smashing a rib.

‘My only remaining crew lay on the seat in the rear cockpit suffering acute seasickness and exhaustion.

‘My pan pan call to Milford Haven Coastguard swiftly tasked Tenby lifeboat to us in poor visibility and very difficult seas. Their skilled crew were soon alongside in hopeless conditions bringing an angel in yellow to my wheelhouse, who took calm control and set up a tow, ensuring a slow, unpleasant ride to safety.

‘At the smart new lifeboathouse was tea, kindness and coastguards. What a service to be proud of. They could not have been more helpful.

‘The whole crew did an incredible job of showing the value of intensive training for a job only those being rescued could grasp in real time. No film could beat the drama of this reality.

‘We are sending a donation and I am a member of the RNLI.’

Bruce Dibben, Pembrokeshire