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Extraordinary people

RNLI volunteers were recognised with the prestigious Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Volunteering Award in December 2012.

We’re one of just 60 organisations to receive this one-off award that marks the Jubilee and Olympic year.

In a nomination submitted by long-term supporters, actor Timothy Spall and his wife Shane, our charity’s volunteers were described as ‘what are “Great” about Britain’. The Spalls went on to say: ‘They are an inspiration, and have our eternal gratitude and respect.’

Martyn Lewis CBE, Chairman, Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Volunteering Award Committee, explained that the organisations honoured had: ‘built their success on the dedication and generosity of thousands of extraordinary people, each of whom has devoted their time and energy to the simple aim of making their communities – and their country – a better place.’

Paul Boissier, RNLI Chief Executive, is thrilled that RNLI volunteers have been recognised in this way: ‘I am not only proud to be part of the charity but inspired by so many ordinary people doing extraordinary things.’

Read on to hear from the volunteers themselves and visit to find out more.