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Your shout

I just felt I had to put pen to paper after reading the recent article on Storm Force membership for children. It referred to the young man who won a competition 20 years ago by creating Stormy Stan the lifeboatman – well, I happen to be that man, although a little older now!

I’m so glad that Stormy Stan is still helping to raise money and hope that the relaunch is a great success for you. Storm Force certainly helped me when I first took an interest in the RNLI. Many thanks for all the enjoyment you’ve provided me and here's to another 25 years of Storm Force!

Peter Cunningham, Lancashire


I always look forward to the Lifeboat dropping through the letterbox. Could I suggest an article for a future edition? I often see RNLI lorries out on motorways transporting lifeboats and would like to know more about these ‘knights of the road’.

Although a ‘landlubber’ from Manchester, I support the work of the RNLI in memory of my uncles, who were all seamen. Very best regards.

David Kellock

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The Editor comments:

I’m pleased to add Mr Kellock’s idea to our ‘future features’ file and I always welcome hearing from readers about what you’d like the Lifeboat team to report on.

We sometimes get requests for more technical detail about rescues from supporters who are active water users themselves and want to learn lessons from survivors. We produce Offshore, a supplement to the Lifeboat, for people just like you. To receive Offshore, you need to be an Offshore member or an RNLI Governor – contact Supporter Care to find out more.

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I read with interest the article on face-to-face fundraising in the Spring issue of the Lifeboat. My active support for the RNLI began almost 2 years ago as a result of the efforts of the fundraising team at Sennen Cove, Cornwall.

I had been a passive supporter for many years, but the enthusiasm with which the fundraisers engaged in their work persuaded me to sign a direct debit form. It never occurred to me that they were anything other than full-time RNLI employees, such was their knowledge and expertise. Every time I come into contact with the RNLI, I feel proud to be a supporter and think of the moment I decided to sign up. Keep up the good work!

Philip Green, Hertfordshire