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Specialist training for new crew, supported by The LRET

With only 1 in 10 joining the RNLI from a professional maritime occupation, training is especially important. Formerly, inshore and all-weather crew were trained separately – now, they are taught the core skills together, increasing both effectiveness and efficiency.

In further good news, The Lloyd’s Register Educational Trust (The LRET) has agreed to donate almost £1M to fund the sea survival element of this new course over the next 5 years. The LRET is an independent charity working to achieve advances in transportation, science, engineering and technology education, training and research worldwide for the benefit of all.

This follows a donation to the RNLI of £625,000 in recent years. Peter Chrismas and Michael Franklin (pictured), a Trustee and the Director of The LRET respectively, visited RNLI College to mark this new chapter in our partnership. RNLI Fundraising and Communications Director David Brann says: ‘We are extremely grateful to The LRET for such a generous sum. And the huge bonus is that their commitment to a full 5 years of funding will allow us to plan crew training with confidence.’