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A Royal engagement

Lifeboat naming ceremonies are always significant occasions, but few have attracted as much attention as the one that took place at Trearddur Bay Lifeboat Station, Anglesey, in February.

The world’s media mingled with over 1,000 RNLI supporters outside the lifeboat station as volunteers waited to greet two very special guests: HRH Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton, who are due to be married in April.

As an RAF search and rescue helicopter pilot based at nearby Valley, Prince William was invited to name a new Atlantic 85 lifeboat that is now being used by his fellow sea rescuers at Trearddur Bay. In his speech, he acknowledged the relationship that had developed over the years between his squadron and the lifeboat crew.

Other speakers included Marilyn Archer from the RNLI Leominster Branch. She was representing the Herefordshire volunteers and supporters who raised funds for the lifeboat, along with local fundraisers.

She said: ‘It’s amazing to think that the pennies and pounds from our events and collections, together with the efforts of the people of Herefordshire, will now be saving priceless lives.’

When it came to formally naming the lifeboat, Miss Middleton prepared to pour champagne over the bow of the Atlantic 85 as Prince William said: ‘It now gives us great pleasure to name this new lifeboat Hereford Endeavour. May God bless her and all that sail in her.’