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Three cheers for Tamars!

Three new Tamar class lifeboats went on service at RNLI stations this Autumn – at Kilmore Quay, Shoreham Harbour and Bembridge.

Kilmore Quay’s new lifeboat, Killarney, was the first Tamar to go on station in Ireland. Meanwhile, Bembridge’s Alfred Albert Williams and Shoreham Harbour’s Enid Collett have also arrived in their brand new homes – modern boathouses funded by local appeals.

The Tamar is the RNLI’s newest class of allweather lifeboat. Sixteen metres long and with a top speed of 25 knots, it is equipped with SIMS (Systems and Information Management System), which allows the crew to monitor, operate and control many of the boat’s functions from the safety of their shockmitigating seats.