Do Whales Get the Bends?
Do Whales Get the Bends?
by Tony Rice
Review by Lucie Grisdale
Tony Rice is a former marine biologist who now spends his time lecturing about his experiences and knowledge of the ocean on cruise ships.
Since retiring he has been able to spend more time exploring the sea – and life in the sea – for himself. This book records over 100 of the most frequently asked sea-related questions, including What is scampi, What causes ocean currents, and Does drinking seawater drive you mad? Tony Rice goes into detail in answering each but in an informal and light-hearted manner. He also uses a range of useful diagrams throughout to illustrate particular aspects of the sea, for example: Is the sea flat?
Rice has written the book in a format that considers those people who may not be interested in reading all of it at once, dipping into questions that interest and relate to them at the time. Because of this, he has made sure any one section makes sense alone. This makes it easy to pick up and read a few points of particular interest while having a cup of tea but with the downside that many things are repeated if you were to read the book straight through. That said, it would make a novel present for older children and adults alike.
Paperback book
Published by Adlard Coles Nautical
ISBN 9781408113264
Price: £9.99