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Your shout

The Editor responds:

Great minds think alike Mr Dean! See page 46. And from this quarter, all seven versions of Compass are available online too at

Meanwhile, we know that many readers feel similarly to Mssrs Astbury and Walker but here’s some background that might change your mind.

Our supporter publications are heavily subsidised by sponsorship (Tunnock’s for Compass and Talisker for Offshore) and advertising, both internal pages and inserted leaflets.

The cover sheet to the Lifeboat package has a variety of purposes. Special thanks to those readers who have donated to an RNLI appeal carried here. Income from this source has far exceeded the cost of production many times over.

Producing electronic publications in place of printed, though saving on printing, incurs the same costs of research, writing, photography and design plus all the associated IT costs, including substantial investment in the purchase and maintenance of infrastructure.

The environmental impact of printed materials is clear but also manageable – we only use recycled or Forest Stewardship Council certified paper for example, and are researching alternatives to the poly wrapper – while electronic publishing involves the use of large amounts of energy to power servers and make the hardware, all out of our control.

As to the purpose of the whole enterprise, our publications are designed to inform and enthuse you. Though growing in number, only a proportion of RNLI supporters have access to email and internet, so some form of printed publication must remain.

Further, our printed publications have a long life in the home and then are passed to family, friends, schools, libraries and beyond, expanding their readership and influence.

Our printed publications are a worthwhile investment, helping to secure funding for future years. However, if you’d like to opt into our enewsletter go to