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Remembering Mum

When fun-loving Judith Lunan suddenly passed away, it was a huge shock to her family. Then they discovered her favourite charity

‘I know Mum would be so pleased that we are doing something positive in her name,’ says Sarah Gammon, fresh from her honeymoon in Vietnam. ‘For our wedding day, Rob and I donated £50 to her tribute fund instead of favours. We’ve raised over £2,000 altogether now.’

Judith had spent most of her childhood holidays in Filey, North Yorkshire. She later enjoyed many holidays there with her husband David and daughters Jane, Susie and Sarah. ‘We’d always go to Mum’s favourite chippy and go on the 2p machines at the amusements,’ remembers Sarah. ‘And without fail she would go to the lifeboat station and buy a souvenir from their shop and pop a donation into the collection box. She’d usually buy a tea towel, thimble or fridge magnet to add to her collection!’

Judith passed away in May 2008 aged just 61. ‘We miss her more and more with each day that passes,’ says Sarah. ‘She was such a loving mum and so supportive; always there for us, no matter what. And she had a wicked sense of humour – we always used to have a laugh!’

It was some time later that Sarah discovered that her mum had a monthly direct debit to the RNLI. ‘I looked on the website to see how I could carry this on and found the page about setting up a Forever by the Sea fund in memory of loved ones. It was easy to arrange and now I send donations for her birthdays, Mother’s Day, Christmas and sometimes just when I am missing her more than usual.’

Sarah and her dad are keen cyclists and have completed several sponsored rides together. ‘Mum would always cheer us on. She loved the day,’ says Sarah. ‘So when we did one in 2009, to raise money for her fund, my husband Rob (who hates physical exercise!) and sister Susie did it with us. We all found it hard, physically and emotionally. I found it upsetting not to see her waiting for us at the finish line but I know she would have been proud.’

Sarah, David and Rob plan to do another sponsored cycle this year. Sarah is also looking into getting a place in the 2011 London Marathon to run for the RNLI. ‘I’d definitely recommend it as a charity,’ she says, ‘simply because of the important work the crews do; they are so brave. Also, the RNLI looks after its supporters. I really appreciated the remembrance service it held in December for all the various tribute fund families and was touched to receive the Christmas tree bauble engraved with Mum’s name.

‘It feels good to be continuing Mum’s generosity. It also really helps with the grief we all feel; the Judith Ann Lunan Forever by the Sea fund is keeping her memory alive.’ [If you would like to find out how to set up an RNLI tribute fund in memory of a loved one, go to or contact Gemma Spencer on 01202 663504.]