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Tireless travels of former cox

Martin Woodward is the former Coxswain of Bembridge Lifeboat Station. Now in his 60s, he could be forgiven for taking it easy after years of dedicated service. Not a chance!

In 2009, Martin climbed Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest mountain, reaching the summit on 8 October. Just 2 weeks later, he arrived in Auckland for his next challenge – cycling the length of New Zealand, a 2,000-mile route from the top of the North Island to the tip of the South. He arrived in Dunedin on 14 December after 54 days of glaciers, sealions, and large sandwiches.

Martin said: ‘The ride was also against strong prevailing winds, and the worst Spring and Summer weather New Zealand has experienced for over 60 years. We [he and his friend Clive Rogers] did the ride totally unsupported and were self-sufficient, carrying over 50kg each of tents and equipment on the bikes.’

The climb and ride were both fundraising events for the RNLI’s Bembridge Lifeboat Station appeal and the Isle of Wight Historic Lifeboat Trust. You can help achieve the target of £10,000 at or find out more at