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Norfolk maritime heroes and legends

Norfolk maritime heroes and legends
by Mark Nicholls
Review by Carol Waterkeyn

Mark Nicholls is an awardwinning journalist with the Eastern Daily Press and a critically acclaimed defence correspondent. He clearly also has a fascination with both Norfolk and maritime history, in particular the battle of Trafalgar.

The opening chapters cover Myngs, Narborough and Shovell, the three ‘fighting admirals’ of north Norfolk. Then there are the explorers such as Vancouver of King’s Lynn and Cresswell, who battled his way through the North West Passage that links the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Two dedicated lifeboat coxswains, Henry Blogg of Cromer (inevitably) and William Fleming of Gorleston are also featured. But the book wouldn’t be complete without its references to Nelson, who is credited as saying: ‘I am a Norfolk man and glory in being so.’

Paperback book
Published by Poppyland Publishing
ISBN 9780946148851

Price: £13.95 (Available from the usual sources – see How to order on previous page – and from the RNLI shop at Cromer or direct from the publisher at