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Make every moment count

If you like having serious fun on the water, the RNLI has a magazine, safety pack and DVD especially for you

Sailing, powerboating, windsurfing, angling, diving, kitesurfing, canoeing, riding your personal watercraft ... Whatever your passion, you live for getting out on the water – it’s what weekends and holidays are made for!

Highlights of your day might be dropping anchor in a secluded bay to enjoy the sunset, being the first out at dawn, catching a gust and feeling like you’re flying, paddling out and catching the perfect wave, or opening the throttle and feeling that unbeatable sense of exhilaration.

But, as the Lifeboat reports every quarter, the sea can also provide far less enjoyable experiences. No matter how prepared or experienced you are, a moment is all it takes for something to go wrong. A change in the weather, a rip current, collision or equipment failure – suddenly a great day on the water can be turned on its head.

Dangerous myths

Over half of the RNLI’s 8,000 or so lifeboat launches every year are to leisurecraft and watersports enthusiasts. Despite this, two commonly held assumptions remain: ‘It’ll never happen to me’ and ‘The RNLI will always be there to help’. These have resulted in only a tiny proportion of such sea users actively supporting the charity, other than occasionally dropping some loose change in a collection box. This situation is clearly unsustainable so the RNLI has launched an awareness and fundraising campaign, kindly sponsored by Helly Hansen, called Serious fun!. The promotional DVD of the same name is packed full of exciting and informative video footage, featuring interviews with top exponents of each watersport. It has already proved popular at major events and is available free to all on request from RNLI Headquarters (see page 1 for contact details) or by going to

For boating and watersports readers

Those of you who use the water and are already regular supporters might like to upgrade to receive Offshore magazine alongside the Lifeboat. This 16-page supplement gives a more technical and practical view of life on the water from the unique perspective of the RNLI. You’ll find expert advice from the Institution’s lifeboat crew members and lifeguards, sea safety specialists and trainers, alongside readers’ own accounts of incidents and lessons learned. Readers who are already familiar with Offshore will have something of a surprise this issue. We’ve redesigned it in response to your feedback, developing your favourite sections and introducing new ones. Our main feature for Summer 2009 is on personal watercraft, the Spotlight is on inland waterways, and we hear from Professor Mike Tipton – what he says might save your life! To find out more, contact Supporter Care at RNLI Headquarters (see page 1 for details).

Sea safety: the complete guide


The second edition of this renowned RNLI booklet and interactive CD-ROM is now out. You can order the complete guide free from Sea Safety at RNLI Headquarters (see page 1 for contact details) or by visiting rnli. Why not ask for several to distribute at your club or marina? Enjoy your time afloat and don’t become one of the RNLI’s rescue statistics – but be assured the RNLI will be there for you thanks to its loyal supporter.