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Twin Saints

Lifeboats from the Channel Islands often cooperate with their French counterparts – rescue boats from the Société Nationale de Sauvetage en Mer (SNSM). The special relationship between the RNLI station at St Helier and the SNSM station at St Malo was formalised on 5 April when the two were twinned.

St Helier Coxswain Andy Hibbs and members of his volunteer crew set out from the Jersey port at 6am, after being given special permission to take the station’s Tyne class lifeboat Alexander Coutanche to St Malo for the ceremony. A relief lifeboat provided cover back home.

SNSM Deputy Chief Executive, Vice-Admiral Henri Arino, said: ‘It is essential that our organisations work together in the closest possible cooperation to deliver a seamless service across our zone. This means excellent communications and effective joint training exercises. The RNLI at St Helier and the SNSM at St Malo commit to develop links of friendship and exchanges of know how in the techniques of saving lives at sea.’

St Helier Lifeboat Operations Manager Bob Vezier and St Malo Deputy Mayor Henri-Jean Lebeau also spoke, before the twinning agreement was signed and the crews and dignitaries celebrated in true French style with champa