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Never on Holiday

RNLI lifeguards save lives on beaches around the UK and sometimes ‘Down Under’, but their skills can be called into practice in far more unusual locations.Kirstin Prisk was 7 hours into a fl ight from London to New York when he noticed something amiss with the woman in the seat next to him. She had lost consciousness and her skin was grey and clammy. Her breathing was shallow. Kirstin asked a stewardess for oxygen while checking the woman’s bag for medication or other clues as to what the problem might be. He was still giving fi rst aid to the woman when the plane hit severe turbulence and the pilot had to take it into a nosedive. Kirstin says: ‘It was full on. Some of theother passengers were screaming but my training and experience as an RNLI lifeguard paid off and I was able to keep calm and focus on the casualty. In fact I was thankful I had something to take my mind off the plane dropping out of the sky!’Eventually he felt a faint squeeze on his hand in response to his questions, and the woman began to come round. He advised the pilot it was safe to continue to their planned destination where paramedics were ready to give further treatment.