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Cash from College

Since its opening in 2004, The Lifeboat College has become firmly established as the home of RNLI training. Crew and lifeguard training is the College’s most important purpose, but it has also been doing a fi ne job fundraising. Last year alone, the College generated over £1M for the RNLI, through hosting conferences, team-building events and even film shoots.

In January, television channel Paramount Comedy filmed part of an advert for the new series of hit American comedy Two and a half men in the survival pool. The dramatic ‘weather’ effects that can be generated by this specialist facility were just what the film crew needed to create the desired atmosphere of a stormy Atlantic. (See This booking alone raised over £8,000 to help the RNLI save lives at sea. Paramount was not the first company to pay the RNLI for the privilege of using the pool – the BBC and the Discovery Channel have also fi lmed there.

College Principal and Head of Training Sue Hennessy retires in July after 6 years in charge – she will be a hard act to follow!