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Story Of Success

SOS day 2008, on 25 January, was a great success. Thank you to everyone who took part and supported the RNLI’s national fundraising day.

Money is still coming in, so the Lifeboat can’t announce a figure for the total amount raised just yet. Last year’s grand total was £540,000, and we expect an even more impressive figure this year.

Schools, businesses and clubs around the UK and RoI did some sterling (and euro!) fundraising work. There were also plenty of events at RNLI branches, guilds and regional offices. See your copy of RNLI Compass for details.

At Headquarters in Poole, staff volunteered to pack bags at neighbouring Asda (whose shoppers donated £1,536.50 in 11 hours), washed cars, sold cakes – and played a rather unusual netball match.

A little advance warning: SOS day 2009 takes place on Friday 30 January. It’s never too early …