Then And Now
tHen AnD noW First-c lass service The RNLI has been an eyecatching subject for portrayal on stamps for decades. Here is a small selection from the past and a preview of a new set of stamps due to be issued on 13 March. you can order from an exclusive range of ? rst-day covers that will bene? t the rNli memorial and garden fund (see pages 7 and 9) by contacting Buckingham Covers on 01303 278137 or by email [email protected].
rNli (enterprises) ltd (which pays all its taxable pro? ts to the rNli, a charity registered in england, Scotland and republic of ireland) will receive a minimum of £1 from each sale but the rNli will bene? t signi? cantly more from sales to readers of the Lifeboat – please remember to quote ‘lifeboat’ when ordering.
See for more information. TOP ROW (left to right) • Ninth international lifeboat conference in Edinburgh (1963) • Alderney’s Waveney class Louise Marchesi of Round Table (19 93) • One of a Guernsey set marking 175 years of the RNLI (19 9 9) MIDDLE ROW • Exclusive to Lundy marking the RNLI’s ‘sesqui-centenary’ (1974) • Rescues from 100 years of the RNLI in Jersey (1984) • Ballycotton’s 1936 service to the Daunt light vessel (1974) BOTTOM ROW • RNLI-themed stamp from the UK’s Safety at sea series (1985) • 150th anniversary from the birthplace of the RNLI (1974) • One of six new UK designs under the Rescue at sea theme and showing the RNLI and Coastguard in action, to be issued in March (2008)..