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Pull out RNLI AGM and APA An invitation to all supporters It has been another busy year for the RNLI. Supporters can re? ect on the events of 2007 at the RNLI’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Annual Presentation of Awards (APA) at the Barbican Hall, London, on 22 May 2008. Tickets for both events are free and all are welcome on a ? rst-come, ? rstserved basis.

Only Governors have the right to vote at the AGM. Phone 0845 121 4999 for details of becoming a Governor.

The APA celebrates the achievements of the RNLI and its people, with a ? lm review of the year highlighting the main events of 2007. This is currently in production and supporters are invited to submit any suitable ? lm footage they might have for possible inclusion. Please send any such footage to Film and Image Manager Eleanor Driscoll, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ, by the end of February.

The day comes to an emotional climax with the presentation of awards to RNLI volunteers and supporters in recognition of their outstanding dedication and commitment.

To apply for tickets to the AGM and/or the APA, ? ll out the form below and return it by 30 March to AGM of? ce, RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ. Tickets will be despatched in early April. Application form Name(s) Address Postcode Membership number I/We wish to attend the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 22 May 2008 at 11.30am Please indicate number of tickets required: by Governors by non-Governors I/We wish to attend the Annual Presentation of Awards on Thursday 22 May 2008 at 2.30pm Please indicate number of tickets required I/We would like to receive a copy of the Annual Review, Report and Accounts 2007 in advance of the Annual General Meeting NB It will save the RNLI money if you can collect your copy at the meeting I/We cannot attend either meeting but would like to receive a copy of the Annual Review, Report and Accounts 2007 Journal archive The digital archive of the Lifeboat journal from 1852–2008 will go into production this quarter. As very few printed copies of some of the older journals are still in existence, the digital archive makes this resource accessible to everybody while preserving it for future generations. Searchable by keyword, date or lifeboat station, you can browse 580 issues from the comfort of your own home.

The journal archive charts the development of the RNLI from its earliest days as the National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck, through two world wars and vital technological advancements, to today’s joined-up rescue service that covers the whole of the UK and RoI.

Read accounts of famous rescues as they were reported at the time, or search for hidden gems by station, by lifeboat or by coxswain.

The archive, which is as much a piece of social history as an in-depth maritime chronicle, will be available as a set of approximately three DVDs or seven CD-ROMs, both for use on computers only.

If you would like to own a copy, please ? ll in the form and return it to us. Registering your interest by 15 February will help us gauge how many we need to manufacture. We will then get in touch with you to con? rm your order and organise payment when the product is available in March.

Registering your interest now will save you 10% on the full price of £100 (€140). Inside the RNLI Inside the RNLI is a 44-page guide to everything RNLI. High-quality images and the voices of volunteers, staff and supporters make it an essential piece of kit for anyone with an interest in the charity and its work.

Every class of lifeboat in the ? eet is pro? led, and articles on everything from Train one, save many to the RNLI Heritage Trust make Inside the RNLI a perfect snapshot of the Institution as it is today.

Order a copy using the form on this page, enclose a cheque for £4.95 (€7), and get the inside story delivered to your door. Film of the year The RNLI’s ? lmed review of the year, This is the RNLI year that was 2007, is in production and will be shown at May’s Annual Presentation of Awards. Everyone who attends will be given a free copy.

A special extended version of the ? lm, with additional awards footage, can be ordered here for £10 (€14), whether you plan to attend the ceremony or not. Your DVD will be sent to you after the APA, if you return the form and enclose a cheque for £10 (€14). Order form Name(s) Address Postcode Membership number Phone number Email address I will probably buy a copy of the Lifeboat journal digital archive 1852–2008 when it becomes available. I would like to register my interest now to help the RNLI gauge demand. I understand the archive will eventually cost me £90 (€126) instead of the full price of £100 (€140). I also understand I will be contacted to con? rm my order.

Please indicate the quantity you require I would like to purchase the 44-page Inside the RNLI brochure, and enclose a cheque for £4.95 (€7).

Please indicate the quantity you require I would like to purchase a DVD of the extended ? lm This is the RNLI year that was 2007, to be sent to me after the AGM in May. I enclose a cheque for £10 (€14).

Please indicate the quantity you require If you are ordering more than one item, you may send one cheque for the total. UK supporters should make cheques payable to RNLI (Enterprises) Ltd. RoI supporters should make cheques payable to RNLI.

All cheques should be sent to RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ. Prices include postage and packaging.

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