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HALF PRICE SALE A SELECTION FROM OVER 40 PRODUCTS IN OUR SALE Cod Liver Oil 1,000mg Purest Icelandic one-a-day capsules 180 capsules £7.45 £5.45 one-a-day capsules Co-enzyme Q10 30mg High strength one-a-day capsules 90 capsules £8.95 £6.95 Ginkgo Biloba 6,000mg 120mg standardised extract 360 tablets £9.95 £7.95 Glucosamine HCl & Marine Chondroitin 500mg +100mg 120 tablets £7.95 £5.95 Gold Standard MultiVitamins & Minerals 28 essential micronutrients 180 tablets £8.95 £4.45 Opti-Omega 3 Highest quality premium omega 3 available 120 capsules £8.95 £4.45 Evening Primrose Oil 1,000mg Providing 100mg GLA 180 capsules £8.95 £6.95 St John’s Wort 300mg providing 900mcg of hypericin 120 tablets £5.95 £2.95 MSM 800mg Pure distilled OptiMSM 240 tablets £10.45 £8.45 QUALITY GUARANTEED ALL PRODUCTS ARE MADE USING THE PUREST INGREDIENTS IN PREMISES THAT CONFORM TO THE STRICTEST PHARMACEUTICAL STANDARDS (GMP). IF YOU’RE NOT ENTIRELY HAPPY WITH ANY HEALTHSPAN PURCHASE, PLEASE RETURN IT TO US FOR A FULL ‘NO-QUIBBLE’ REFUND.

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Product Description Size-Price Qty Total (£) Cod Liver Oil – Pure Icelandic 1,000mg ‘One-a-day’ 180 @ £7.45 £5.45 Co-enzyme Q10 – 30mg 90 @ £8.95 £6.95 Evening Primrose Oil – 1,000mg ‘One-a-day’ 180 @ £8.95 £6.95 Ginkgo Biloba – 120mg standardised extract 360 @ £9.95 £7.95 Ginkgo and Ginseng – 3,000mg + 600mg Panax Ginseng 120 @ £5.95 £2.95 Glucosamine – 1,000mg Optiflex Glucosamine 360 @ £10.95 Glucosamine & Chondroitin – 500mg +100mg Marine Chondroitin 120 @ £7.95 £5.95 Happy Days 5-HTP – 100mg 60 @ £8.95 £6.95 Milk Thistle – 110mg standardised extract 120 @ £5.95 £2.95 MSM – Advanced OptiMSM 800mg 240 @ £10.45 £8.45 MulitVitamin Gold – 28 vitamins, minerals and micronutrients 180 @ £8.95 £4.45 Opti-Omega 3 – Premium Fish Oil 120 @ £8.95 £4.45 Probiotic – 5 billion ‘friendly’ bacteria 90 @ £9.95 £7.95 Saw Palmetto – 320mg extract plus Zinc and GLA 90 @ £9.95 £7.95 St John’s Wort – 900mcg of Hypericin 120 @ £5.95 £2.95 Vitamin B Complex – with Biotin and Folic Acid 360 @ £7.95 £5.95 Orders OVER £15 – please deduct £2 – £2 Postage and packaging (worth £1.95) FREE Total £ Healthspan Ltd, PO Box 64, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 3BT FREEPHONE 0800 73 123 77 Healthspan NUTRITION FOR A HEALTHY LIFESPAN NUTRITION FOR A HEALTHY LIFESPAN “60 is the new 50 these days and we can all optimise the quality as well as the quantity of our lifespan to actively ‘live younger’ – nutrition is the key to influencing our healthy lifespan.” DR SARAH BREWER GP and Nutrition Expert live younger Glucosamine HCl 1,000mg New Optiflex glucosamine with 40% more glucosamine per gram than the ordinary sulphate 2KCl form 360 tablets £10.95 2£ OFFSPEND £15 & SAVE £2 ON YOUR ORDER Offer can only be used once. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer Offer expires 29.02.08 RNLI-AJA .