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ADvertoriAL Princess Diaries Ken Johnson from Essex won a cruise, sponsored by RNLI corporate partner Travelscope, after recommending a friend to receive the RNLI gift catalogue. He and his partner Vivienne boarded the Princess Danae for 7 days of shopping, supping and scenery, Scandinavian-style around the Fjords of Norway. Mr Johnson agreed to let the Lifeboat print excerpts from his travelogue: 22 May We drove to Harwich and joined the Princess Danae at 3pm. Safety procedures were explained and we set sail into the North Sea. The sea was calm and we settled down to our fi rst evening meal afl oat – fi ve courses for those who could manage it. After evening entertainment we retired to another lounge on the after deck for a latenight drink and an opportunity to meet other passengers.

We drove to Harwich and joined the 24 May We awoke to fi nd ourselves entering the Hardanger Fjord. Later that morning we arrived at the small port of Ulvik, crossed the fjord by ferry and took a coach trip up through mountains laid with snow up to 2m deep, and on to a large hotel constructed in 1896. The hotel was visited by the composer Grieg and is still in use today.

We descended to a small town called Eidfjord, where we had tea and a locally produced cake that was similar to shortbread.

We awoke to fi nd ourselves entering the Hardanger 25 May We berthed in Bergen, Norway’s second city. Life here is based around the sea, from the inshore fi shing industry to the deep-sea vessels that ply the North Sea and beyond.

We walked into town, passing the square-rigged sailing ship used for training young Norwegian naval cadets, into the market place where locally caught fi sh could be tasted and purchased. Whale and reindeer meat were also for sale. Most of Bergen was destroyed in the Second World War, but we strolled through what remained of the old town before heading back to the ship. 26 May The Princess Danae arrived in Flam, where we had an early breakfast and a short walk to the railway station. From here this dramatic railway rose from sea level to 867m over a distance of 20km. Sea spray hit the train as it wound its way through tunnels and over precarious wooden bridges that clung to the cliff like a seagull on its rocky perch. We alighted at Voss, where we enjoyed a smorgasbord lunch. We were lucky to see a traditional Norwegian wedding at the local church, with most guests in national costume. Following a quick browse around the shops, we boarded the coach to Vik, stopping en route at a waterfall that appeared to fall out of the sky. 28 May We awoke to fi nd ourselves steaming down the east coast of England. Our luggage was ready for offl oading and all that remained was to say our goodbyes to the friends we had made and disembark when called to do so. We would like to say ‘thank you’ to Travelscope and the RNLI for this wonderful experience. I must admit that when we were fi rst told of this prize we were very sceptical, thinking it a hoax or joke! But these thoughts were soon dispelled when we contacted Travelscope, and the RNLI sent us confi rmation.

There are only two charities I support, one of which is the RNLI, and this support will continue. Visit to browse the company’s selection of cruises and other holidays, call 0870 264 2161 or see the advert on page 11. A donation is made to the RNLI for every holiday booked by readers of the Lifeboat.

Call 0870 600 1824 for a copy of the RNLI gift catalogue, or shop online at
