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contents neWs including 10 new FOR DARTMOUTH saving lives on the river, beach and open sea 11 YOUTHFUL CRew SeT SAIL seafaring experience with a difference 1 LIFeGUARDS wORK weT SUMMeR norfolk’s first season 15 STAYInG In TOUCH membership after volunteering RescUe 4 InSIGHT a selection of recent rescues from around the uK and Roi 0 FIve ALIve Kayakers out in a force 9 severe gale 3 OUT In A FLASH speedy lifeguards avert family tragedy 4 PeRILOUS PLAY a dockside nightmare for mother and child 6 TeAM eFFORT stranded teenagers plucked from turmoil FeAtURes 6 CLOSe UP Nor any drop to drink Behind the scenes of the summer floods 16 SPIRIT It’s a kind of magic Youth and skill combine for the RnLi 3 COASTAL LIFe Rapture of the deep scuba diving – the rewards and the risks, and the role of the RnLi VoIces 46 Awe AnD wOnDeR award-winning landscape gardener Chris Beardshaw tells of paradise on land and underwater 49 THe PULL OF THe LIFeBOAT One woman’s experience of community bound to the sea 51 YOUR SHOUT Readers’ letters ReGULARs 30 BOOKS Featuring fighting in the trenches and a troublesome teenager 38 LOTTeRY a history of the Lifeboat Lottery, celebrating 30 years 40 LAUnCHeS three months’ lifeboat activity at a glance 5 THen AnD nOw state of the art in 1930 and 2007 .