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ADVeRtoRIAL Reaching new heights Laura Wiltshire decided to treat her parents, Dave and Joan, to the ride of their lives, with a little help from an RNLI supporter offer ‘With mum’s 50th birthday fast approaching i wanted to surprise her with one of those “top ten” things to do! Hot air ballooning was something that she had often talked about, but that Dad, being rather scared of heights, was conveniently ignoring.

i decided to go for it and book three places.

One July day we all arrived at the launch site in Blandford Forum, Dorset, for 5.45am tired, but excited.

We met about a dozen other fl iers and our pilot. my parents and i joined in every step of the preparation, unpacking the 30m balloon and helping to infl ate it.

taking off was amazing. One minute we were all being helped into the basket, the next we were looking down at miniature buildings and people. there was a thick mist surrounding us, but once we rose through and above it, the views were out of this world. We could see for miles. and it was so quiet; the entire journey was amazingly peaceful.

the complimentary champagne went down well with all onboard, and then after about an hour came the landing – one of the most exciting parts! as a team we had to fi nd a suitable fi eld for the balloon to land in, without risk of collision with hedges or horses. as we touched down, we jumped out and all helped defl ate and pack away the enormous balloon.

even at 2,500m, Dad loved the whole day, but particularly enjoyed the landing: “Certainly an unusual kind of parking!” and mum was delighted with her birthday present.’ ‘it was the most breathtaking experience so far in my life.’ ½ PRICE CHAMPAGNE BALLOON FLIGHTS! Would you like to follow in the Wiltshire family’s footsteps and try an exhilarating Virgin balloon fl ight? Then take advantage of this limited-edition offer for RNLI supporters.

The Virgin Balloon Flight Adventure Pack (rrp £285 per person) is yours for half the normal price, just £142.50. What’s more, £5 from every sale will go to the RNLI.

You can look forward to a: • 3-or 4-hour experience, with around an hour in the air • traditional champagne toast onboard • certifi cate signed by Sir Richard Branson and your pilot • choice of 100+ launch sites in England, Scotland and Wales (see full list at www.virginballoonfl and transport back to launch site • limited-edition Virgin fl ight shoulder bag containing compact binoculars, heavy weight branded pen, baseball cap, DVD and key ring.

But be quick – this offer ends 31 December! Call 0870 444 2768 or visit www.virginballoonfl quoting ‘RNLI’ to book.

Terms and conditions: Offer valid until 31 December 2007 relates to a Virgin Balloon Flights Adventure Pack (rrp £285), valid for one year from start date, which you can specify at the time of purchase. Voucher price is £142.50 for one person including VAT and postage and packing. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion and is only open to readers and staff. Children aged 7–16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Passengers must be at least 4’6” in height. Offer not valid in RoI and Northern Ireland for fl ying, but vouchers may be purchased and used for launch sites in England, Scotland and Wales. We are unable to fl y passengers who are pregnant. Full terms and conditions available on request – call 0870 444 2768 or visit www.virginballoonfl LanDmaRC LOtteRY PRiZes Virgin was one of the generous companies that provided prizes for the RnLi/Landmarc lottery in early summer 2007. Landmarc, which maintains and operates the army training estates around the uK, has chosen the RnLi as its charity partner and its employees raised £2,862 for the RnLi, selling raffl e tickets to friends and family.

The Virgin balloon ? ight went to mrs sP Gray in the West midlands. Other lucky winners included: 1st prize: mr D Granger, east; Pontins holiday; mr CL Callaway, Pembrokeshire, ipod nano; mr K Oliver, Otterburn, Manchester Utd football tickets; miss e Humphreys, West midlands, Liverpool football tickets; mr a Bennett, south West, Karcher pressure washer; mr m Best, Pembrokeshire, £30 Travellers World voucher. .