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BOOKs From cargos of coffee and tobacco to the thrills of speedboat testing, from learning the ropes to total disaster - Carol Waterkeyn and Sam Price review four more titles to bring you closer to the sea Unless other ordering details are stated, all books reviewed in the Lifeboat are available from all good bookshops and online from Amazon via the RNLI website at Amazon will donate a minimum of 5% of the value of all such orders to the RNLI. (For the RNLI to benefit in this way you must access Amazon via the RNLI website and not go direct to Amazon.) Cargo ships: a colour portfolio by David L Williams and Richard de Kerbrech Cargo ships embraces a bygone era of shipping before the imposing container vessels of today that now dominate our seas. The book is a mine of information on the coasters and freighters from the mid 1950s to the early 70s. These were the days of the Blue Star Line, Cunard and other shipping companies that ran vessels loaded with tea, rice and porcelain, fruit, tobacco, leather, coffee and sugar from the Orient, Caribbean, South America and Africa. Some also carried up to 100 passengers in relative comfort - it was certainly a different way to travel from their contemporaries RMS Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary.

This is a work that would be of interest to mariners who served on the merchant vessels or those who remember seeing big traditional ships like the Scottish Prince, the Jamaica Planter and the Athenic at berth around our coasts. This charming book is widely illustrated with previously unpublished colour photos that were taken by the late Kenneth Whiteman. Published by Ian Allan ISBN 9780711031616 Price £14.99 hardback Learning to sail in dinghies or yachts by Basil Mosenthal Learning to sail is a guide for those who are complete beginners at sailing. Unlike many guides that annoyingly assume you already have a certain amount of knowledge, this one really does begin with the basics. It is aimed at both children and adults so the language is simple, and diagrams and pictures clear.

Although not designed to replace practical instruction on the water, it does prepare you for what's to come by clearly explaining the different parts of a dinghy or sailing boat; how the sails work; managing ropes; tides and much more. Even if you are not actually planning to set foot on the water it is interesting to read the mechanics of boathandling.

This is an excellent guide but we would like to add two reminders. The RNLI advises sailors to wear lifejackets at all times - and booms and winches can be extremely dangerous to be around, so please take care. Published byAdlard Coles Nautical ISBN 9780713682427 Price: £9.99 paperback, 3rd edition Challenges by Dag Pike ‘It is not what you’ve done that counts, it is what you are going to do’. This is what 74-year-old Dag Pike believes, and he is still setting challenges for himself, after enjoying huge success on the sea.

The book records his life story, from a young child falling in love with the sea aged just 8, to becoming one of the most respected seamen in the world.

An exciting story, Challenges states the ups and downs Pike encountered on his way to becoming a skilled navigator and the various tasks he has accomplished. The book is a thrilling read, and shows Pike’s prowess as an author as well as a seaman. His vivid descriptions will capture readers’ imaginations, helping them to envisage the challenges of life at sea.

An inspirational read.

Dag was an inspector of lifeboats for the RNLI in the early 1960s, and was involved in the introduction of the rigid inflatable boat for the RNLI. Published by Bosun ISBN 9780954693275 Price: £19.95 hardback When the wind blows by Maggi Ansell Maggi and Robin Ansell’s amazing journey around the world is put into writing, in the extraordinary When the wind blows. Descriptions of love and happiness turn to tragedy and despair in a sudden turn of events, leaving the family only just intact. Despite this, a happy theme is maintained throughout the book, as they manage to deal with even the loss of the boat. Their story takes us from Cuba to Australia, and climaxes with Maggi and Robin being caught in a cyclone and almost losing their lives. A stunning tale, bringing to attention both the thrill and risks of sailing, When the wind blows is an adventure that grips you from beginning to end.

Maggi has written for a number of international sailing publications. She has lived and worked in Libya, the Cayman Islands, the Philippines, Australia and latterly on Vancouver Island, Canada.Published by Trafford ISBN 1412099226 Price: £12 paperback LOtteRY Lottery lifesavings When it comes to saving lives at sea, £200,000 is a great deal of money to raise. Luckily, improvements to the Lifeboat Lottery will save the RNLI approximately this much in administration – every year. Mairéad Dwane explains When it comes to saving lives at sea, £200,000 is a great deal of money to raise. Luckily, improvements to the Lifeboat Lottery will save the RNLI approximately this much in administration – every year. Mairéad Dwane explains From 1977–2004, Lifeboat Lottery winners were chosen the old-fashioned way. Tickets were put in a large drum, the handle was turned and the winning tickets drawn. As the Lottery’s popularity increased (takings are up 281% in the past 3 years) either the job would have to be outsourced or the RNLI was going to need a bigger drum! An outside lotteryhandling agency was indeed engaged by 2005.

But this need for outside help has been eliminated thanks to the huge efforts of members of the Information Systems, Income Processing and Supporter Communications teams at RNLI Headquarters. The new system is largely electronic.

Firstly, barcodes have been added to the vouchers that replaced books of separate tickets for those who ‘buy all’. Details can now be recorded up to four times quicker than before, bringing the task back within the capacity of in-house staff and saving the RNLI £130,000 a year.

Next, a unique computer system, developed internally by RNLI programmers, drives the draw itself. It gives every ticket its own numbered entry and then mixes up the sequence randomly. At the time of the draw, a display counts through the From 1977–2004, Lifeboat Lottery winners were chosen the old-fashioned way. Tickets were put in a large drum, the handle was turned and the winning randomised entries at a rate of 270 a second. Simply pushing a button freezes the process at the winning number and reveals the ticket holder’s details – and saves another £80,000 a year.

The fi rst draw of this kind was made at RNLI Headquarters in March 2007, with Poole fundraising branch Chairman Brian Traves pushing the button and selecting a ticket bought by Mr DJ Penn from Essex, who won a brand new Citroen C1.

Mr Traves explains: ‘Each ticket really has an equal chance now, no matter when bought.

Gone are the days of your ticket being stuck at the bottom of the barrel!’ He adds: ‘I was most impressed with the superb technology provided by the RNLI team in creating such a wonderful, fair system. The Lifeboat Lottery brought in £3.9M for the RNLI’s lifesaving work in 2006.’ Due to differing gaming laws in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, we regret that supporters here cannot enter the Lifeboat Lottery.

A new raft of gaming laws comes into play in Great Britain in September 2007, which may have further implications for the way in which the Lottery is run.

The Lifeboat will keep you informed of any changes. A new discovery each day RNLI corporate partner Travelscope Holidays Ltd has kindly donated several Lifeboat Lottery prizes over the years, as well as passing on to the charity a percentage of every holiday booked by RNLI supporters. It recently extended its river cruising fl eet and range of destinations and invited the RNLI’s Rhys Parker to sample 2 days of a trip from Amsterdam to Basle on board the MS Britannia. ‘Having never been on a river cruise before, I was unsure what to expect. I was very pleasantly surprised,’ says Rhys. ‘I joined the Britannia for her evening cruise to Utrecht then retired to an en suite, air-conditioned cabin for a good night’s sleep.

‘I was awoken next morning by the sound of the Britannia working her way through a lock en route to Arnhem, featured in the fi lm A Bridge too far. We had the choice of exploring the city or an excursion to the British Airborne Museum and war cemetery. ‘Back onboard, I had the pick of the sun deck and pool, a spacious lounge with all-round views of the passing countryside, a reasonably priced bar, sauna, solarium, TV room and souvenir shop.

‘The following day, I was sad to leave.

The Britannia’s other passengers, however, were journeying onwards to Germany and Switzerland. I asked Margaret and Bill Dunn from North Shields their opinion of the holiday: “Firstly, we were surprised at how big the boat is. The food and accommodation have been good too. It’s our first river cruise; we’ve cruised the Caribbean but the thing that attracted us to this holiday was the idea that we could see and discover new places each day.”’ To fi nd out more, see Travelscope’s advert on page 8, see, or speak to an RNLI-designated Travelscope representative on 0870 264 2160. YOUR CHANCE TO WIN! THE LIFEBOAT LOTTERY 30 YEARS ANNIVERSARY First prize in the Autumn 2007 Lifeboat Lottery is a Peugeot 107. Second prize is a Travelscope 12-day cruise for two to St Petersburg and the Baltic capitals.

There are seven cash prizes from £500–£100 First prize in the Autumn 2007 Lifeboat Lottery is a Peugeot 107. Second prize is a Travelscope 12-day cruise for two to St Petersburg and the Baltic capitals.

There are seven cash prizes from 2nd Prize 12-day cruise for two - St Petersburg 1st Prize Peugeot 107 3rd £500 - 4th £250 - 5th £100 - 6th £100 Tickets will be available to members on 18 July and earlier to fundraising branches. If you don’t usually receive tickets and would like to, please call 0845 121 4999 or email [email protected]. Spring 2007 Lottery winners 1st prize Citroen C1, Mr DJ Penn, Essex 2nd prize 9-day Blue Danube cruise from Travelscope Holidays Ltd, Mr JL Dawson, Birmingham 3rd prize £500, Miss J Baker, Cardiff 4th Prize £250, Mr R Clark, Middlesex Five prizes of £100 each, Mrs J Jones, Hampshire; Mr GHW Jeffries, Norfolk; Ms BM Stoddart, South Yorkshire; Mr AW Sharp, Surrey; Mr CH Horton, Norfolk LAunCHes LAUNCHes 2,190 LIfebOAt AnD ResCue HOVeRCRAft LAunCHes OCtObeR 2006–MARCH 2007 aberDeen On-1248(17-24)Oct20, Nov27,28,29,Dec29, Feb2,7,Mar25 D-500:Oct20 D-536:Nov28,30,Jan9,20, Feb11 aberDoVey b-758:Oct8,Jan11(x2),15 abersoCh b-754:Jan10 b-790:Oct22(x2) aberystwyth b-704:Oct25,Jan10,Feb3, Mar17,21,24 aith On-1232(17-14):Dec24, Jan19,Feb22,Mar19 aLDebUrGh On-1193(12-34):Feb7, Mar24 D-520:Oct29 aLDerney On-1199(14-04):Jan14 aMbLe On-1176(12-19):Oct1,8, 17,18,Nov10,Dec20,Jan17, 30,Feb15 D-569:Oct1,2,Dec20, Jan17(x2),Feb15 anGLe On-1114(47-011): Oct26,Nov10,17,18,Dec5, Mar16,25,28 D-638:Oct1,9,14,26, Nov17,Dec2 anstrUther On-1124(12-001): Oct8,Nov10,25 D-461:Oct8(x2),Nov10 D-667:Dec17,Jan2 aPPLeDore On-1140(47-027):Feb19, 20,Mar4,11,14,31(x2) b-742:Dec3,Feb19,20, Mar4,11,19,22,26,30,31(x2) b-753:Oct11,26,27,Nov10 aran isLanDs On-1217(17-06):Oct29, Nov7,12,24,Dec7,31(x2), Jan7,13,29,Feb18, Mar2,26,30 arbroath On-1194(12-35):Nov2, Dec12,13,16,Feb1,16 D-621:Nov2,Dec16,Feb1 arKLow On-1223(14-19):Mar8,10 arran (LaMLash) b-770:Oct4,24,Jan31, Feb6,7 arranMore On-1244(17-22): Oct19,Jan6,17 On-1263(17-34): Jan26,Feb7,15,Mar1 baLLyCotton On-1204(14-06): Jan13,Feb3,28 On-1233(14-25): Oct1,13,Jan11,12 baLLyGLass On-1235(17-15):Mar24 D-507:Oct16,19,20,Feb4 baLtiMore On-1122(47-017):Dec4, Jan2,30 On-1137(47-024): Oct4,15,Nov18 banGor b-584:Oct6 b-805:Oct6,21(x2),Nov2, 11,23,25(x2),Dec18,Jan2 (x2),31,Feb18,Mar10,28 barMoUth On-1178(12-21):Nov11 D-524:Dec14 barra isLanD On-1230(17-12):Oct8, Feb4,7 barrow On-1117(47-014):Dec27 D-567:Oct30,Mar31 D-570:Dec2,Jan22 barry DoCK On-1245(14-29):Oct26(x2), Nov18,Jan27,Mar14 beaUMaris b-768:Oct4,24,29,Nov5, Dec5,10,Jan3,Feb3,7,15,18, Mar18,19,27 beMbriDGe On-1112(47-010):Dec3,31 D-640:Mar16 D-649:Oct2,Dec3 berwiCK-UPon-tweeD On-1162(12-004):Jan21 D-610:Jan7,21 D-639:Oct18 bLaCKPooL b-748:Oct4,Feb26,Mar26 b-773:Feb3 D-558:Oct4,Nov30,Feb3,4, 26,Mar26 D-566:Nov30,Feb3 bLyth D-606:Oct3,Jan23,26 borth D-635:Nov4 briDLinGton On-1169(12-12):Oct19, Nov4,26,Feb5,26,Mar13 D-557:Oct6,19,Dec16 briGhton b-724:Oct1,3,14,15 b-737:Oct31,Nov4,5,Jan6, 27,28,Feb18,25,Mar24,31 broUGhty ferry On-1252(14-31): Oct9,Nov21,Dec3,10(x2), Jan1,Mar19,24 On-1253(14-32): Jan30(x3) D-539:Oct9,Nov21,26, Dec2,10(x2),12,Jan1,24,30, Mar19,24,30 bUCKie On-1268(17-37):Oct21,28, Nov3,7,16,25,Dec3,Jan23, Feb16,Mar12,25,29 bUDe D-617:Oct21 bUnDoran b-711:Feb1,Mar2 bUrnhaM-on-CroUCh b-733:Oct21(x2),Nov9, Dec19,Feb25(x2) D-672:Feb25 bUrnhaM-on-sea b-795:Nov1,Dec20,Jan4 D-552:Nov1 D-664:Dec20,Jan4,Feb19 bUrry Port D-602: Oct31,Nov4(x2),Nov12 CaLshot On-1150(52-44):Oct1,3, 8(x3),17,21,25,27(x2) On-1155(47-037): Feb21,26,27,Mar6,18,20 On-1159(52-45): Dec18(x2),Jan17 D-609:Dec18(x2),Jan10, Feb19,21,27,16,18,28 D-615:Oct1,3,8,20 CaMPbeLtown On-1241(17-19): Nov24,Jan7,18 D-571:Jan7 CarDiGan b-752:Feb17,Mar28 b-757:Oct13,Nov4, Jan8 D-491:Mar19 D-547:Oct26 CastLetownbere On-1269(17-38):Feb7, Mar26 On-1277(17-44): Oct6,19,Dec5 ChiswiCK b-801:Jan26,29,Feb4,6 e-001:Dec28,Mar7(x2),12 e-003:Oct7(x2),Nov1(x2), 25(x3),26,28(x2),Dec2, 3(x2),8(x2),10,11,15,17,18, 23,26,27,31,Jan1(x3),5,7,8, 21(x2),Feb14,21,Mar1,10, 17,19,23, 24(x2),25,31 e-006:Oct6(x2),13,20,25, Nov5,6(x2),12(x2),13, Mar31 CLaCton-on-sea b-744:Oct15(x2) b-774:Feb3,11,Mar2 D-495:Mar30 D-559:Oct7,19,29,Feb3 CLeethorPes D-618:Oct1,3,Nov25(x2), 26,Dec27,28,Feb1,4 D-650:Mar24 CLifDen b-751:Dec28 D-504:Nov22,Dec28 CLoGher heaD On-1190(12-31):Dec11, Jan25 Conwy D-627:Oct15,Nov11, Dec26,Mar6,30 CoUrtMaCsherry harboUr On-1205(14-07):Oct24 Cowes inshore Lifeboat Centre b-812:Nov6 Craster D-542:Jan7 CriCCieth b-707:Oct1(x2),8,25, Nov18,Dec8,Mar2,6(x2) CroMer D-568: Nov22,25,Dec28,Feb27 CrosshaVen b-782:Oct1,6,Nov23,26, Dec6,20,Jan13,17,20(x2) CULLerCoats b-590:Oct10,21(x2),28,30, Dec1,17,Jan5 b-811:Jan6 b-815:Feb18 DonaGhaDee On-1267(14-36): Oct14,Nov1,18,Dec20 DoUGLas On-1147(47-032):Mar27 DoVer On-1220(17-09):Dec26,27, Jan9,Feb13,Mar9,27(x2) On-1260(17-31): Oct14,Nov12,13,24 DUn LaoGhaire On-1200(14-05):Oct1,28 D-565:Oct28,Mar24,29 DUnbar On-1207(14-09): Oct8,22,Dec20,Jan3, Feb11,18,Mar4 D-497:Feb11 D-544:Oct8,22,Nov26 DUnGeness On-1178(12-21):Mar9 On-1186(12-27): Nov29(x2),Jan9 DUnMore east On-1215(14-17): Oct17,Nov1,3,4,5,6,8,10, 11,12,Dec16,Jan10,11(x2), 12,16,Feb17,Mar5,21,30 eastboUrne On-1195(12-36):Oct3,27, 29,Nov2,10,Dec18,25, Jan5,Feb1,3,22, Mar4,16,17 D-604:Nov5,10,11, Dec25 D-605:Feb3,4,22,Mar16 ennisKiLLen b-581:Dec24,Jan26, Feb19,Mar10 b-591:Jan16,Mar10,29,31 eXMoUth On-1210(14-12):Oct1,13, 19(x2),20,22,Nov5,14,Dec3, 4,10,17,Jan3,21, Feb13,Mar1,8 D-516:Oct13 D-669:Oct1(x2),15,19,20, 21,22(x2),23,24,Nov2,5(x2), 14(x2),15,26,Dec3(x2),10, 21,30,Jan3,7,9,20(x2), Feb5,10,11,Mar18 eyeMoUth On-1209(14-11):Nov29, Dec20,Jan14,15 On-1253(14-32):Feb13 faLMoUth On-1256(17-29):Oct13,21, Nov20,Dec15,27,Jan11,18, Feb13,Mar6,17 b-595:Oct14,15,21(x3), 29(x2),Nov5,22,Dec20, Jan22,Feb13(x2),Mar6, 19,24 fenit On-1239(14-27): Oct8,9,14,30,Nov10,Dec6, Jan9,11,Mar6,12,22,29 fetharD D-528:Nov2(x2),3,4,5,10, 11,12,Jan6,14,16,21,27, 28,Feb1 fiLey On-1170(12-13):Mar22 D-563: Oct20,Feb4,Mar2,11 fishGUarD On-1228(14-24): Oct2,14,23,25 D-652:Oct2,13,14,Nov5, 28,Feb15 fLaMboroUGh b-703:Dec5,16,Jan10,16, Feb1,13,18,28 b-792:Oct19 fLeetwooD On-1156(47-038):Oct6,8, 10,21,Nov21,30,Dec27,28, Feb3,11,16,Mar7,15 D-556:Oct6,8,10,21,28, Nov30,Dec17,Jan22, Feb11,16,18,Mar7 12-32 Joy anD CharLes beeby 14-17 eLiZabeth anD ronaLD 17-26 henry aLston hewat 47-026 GarsiDe On-####(12-##) Mersey class On-####(14-##) trent class On-####(16-##) tamar class On-####(17-##) severn class On-####(47-###) tyne class fLint D-505:Oct2,22,Dec7 D-658:Jan8,21,Mar7 fowey On-1204(14-06):Dec9,24 On-1222(14-18):Mar25 D-480:Oct24,Dec9 D-526:Mar25 fraserbUrGh On-1259(14-34):Oct30, Nov18,Jan22,Feb6,23 GaLway b-738:Oct2,31,Nov25, Dec4,11,15 GirVan On-1184(12-25):Nov22 On-1196(12-37):Oct13,21, 29,Dec26,Feb10(x2),Mar9, 22,24,27 GraVesenD b-732:Jan18 b-801:Mar14,15,25 e-001:Oct17,24,26(x2),30, Feb15(x2),17 e-002:Oct1,7(x2),15,21, Nov13,14,Dec1,3,10, Jan11,23,27,Feb3,18,Mar5 e-004:Dec27 Gt yarMoUth anD GorLeston On-1208(14-10): Jan26,Feb22,Mar13 b-767:Oct8,11,15,16, Nov12,19,23(x2),Jan31, Feb5 b-786:Feb17,18,28(x2), Mar4,8 hartLePooL On-1274(14-37): Oct1,7,10,11,14,Nov29, Dec21,Jan26,Feb26 b-766:Oct7,Dec17,29 harwiCh On-1202(17-03):Oct15(x2), Dec3,9,22,Jan4,Mar18 On-1278(17-45):Mar9 b-755:Oct28,30,Nov30, Dec3,9,23,27,Jan17,20,27, 28,Mar4,5 b-789:Oct7,9(x2),15(x2), 16,Mar13,18,28,31 hastinGs On-1125(12-002):Nov19, 26,Dec10,28,Jan22 D-477:Oct4,23,Nov19,26 D-540:Feb2,13,14,Mar17 hayLinG isLanD b-712:Oct19,29,Nov17,20, 22,Dec31,Jan6,31,Feb1 D-642:Oct19 D-655:Nov20,Dec31,Jan31 heLensbUrGh b-791:Oct1,6,Nov5,22,25, Dec9,13,Mar3 heLViCK heaD b-760:Oct9,Nov12,17, Dec9,Feb3,Mar31 hoLyheaD On-1257(17-30):Nov2,4 On-1272(17-41):Dec17 D-654:Oct30,31,Nov4 horton anD Port eynon D-531:Feb10 howth On-1258(14-33):Nov22, Dec6,Jan21,24,Feb16 D-659:Oct3,Jan21,22, Feb4,12,Mar2,24 hoyLaKe On-1163(12-005): Oct2,Jan8,Feb3(x3),20 hUMber On-1216(17-05):Oct3,27, Nov4,24,Dec11,22,Jan6, 18,Feb15 On-1236(17-16):Feb17,20 On-1237(17-17): Mar20,23,24,26 hUnstanton b-749:Oct1,13,22,24, Nov23,25,Dec2,17 H-003:Feb4,22,Mar25 iLfraCoMbe On-1165(12-007): Oct13,Dec2,Mar14,30 D-555:Oct14,Nov4,5, Dec18,27,Feb12,Mar30 inVerGorDon On-1206(14-08):Oct12,14, 26,28,Dec31,Jan10,11 isLay On-1219(17-08):Mar3,4 KessoCK b-771:Oct26,28,Nov2,4,11, Dec1,15,Feb15,Mar25 KiLKeeL b-593:Oct7(x2) b-812:Nov27,Mar18 KiLMore QUay On-1133(47-021): Oct14,24,Nov3,Dec20, Jan10,11,12(x2),16, Mar7,21 KiLrUsh b-729:Oct14,15,Feb1 KinGhorn b-720:Oct5,19,Nov4(x2), 25,Dec3,16,17(x3),31,Jan2, 28,Feb4,19,Mar4,27,28,31 KinsaLe b-734:Oct3,4,19,Nov9, 19(x2),29,Dec3 KiPPforD D-553:Oct8,Feb11 KirKCUDbriGht b-585:Oct2 KirKwaLL On-1231(17-13): Oct22,Nov6,13,Feb4,19 KyLe of LoChaLsh b-740:Oct12,Dec8, Jan21,Mar3 LarGs b-739:Nov16,Dec1,9,20, 22,24,Jan13,Feb11,18(x2), Mar4,16 b-773:Oct4 Larne On-1246(14-30):Jan11, 15(x2) D-630:Jan15 D-646:Nov30 LittLe anD broaD haVen D-628:Oct28,Dec18 LittLehaMPton b-779:Oct22,Nov8,Dec5, Mar17 D-631:Oct7,22,Dec5, Feb26,Mar1,17 LittLestone-on-sea b-732:Oct8,13 b-785:Jan6,Mar9,31 LLanDUDno , On-1164(12-006): Nov8,Dec15,Jan19,Feb3 D-508:Oct15,19 D-656:Jan27,Feb19,Mar7 LoChinVer On-1263(17-34):Oct10,31, Nov3,Dec13 On-1271(17-40):Mar17 LonGhoPe On-1284(16-05): Nov11(x2),Jan2 Looe b-767:Mar17 D-491:Oct21,Nov26(x2) D-574:Dec16 LoUGh DerG b-586:Oct7,8,Nov2,Dec3, Feb6,17,Mar16,18 LoUGh swiLLy On-1111(47-009):Nov12 b-717:Nov24,Mar29 Lowestoft On-1132(47-020): Oct8,Nov1,Dec12,Feb17 LyMe reGis b-774:Oct15,29,Nov6(x2) LyMinGton b-755:Oct4 b-784:Oct7(x2),28,29, Dec13,Feb25,Mar17,31(x4) LythaM st annes On-1148(12-11):Dec28 On-1189(12-30):Oct6(x2), Nov5,Feb3,Mar27 D-657:Oct19,20(x2),Nov5,6, Feb3,12,25,Mar27 MabLethorPe b-778:Nov8,Feb22 D-653:Nov8,Jan14,Mar14 MaCDUff b-804:Dec2,Feb1,Mar31 MaLLaiG On-1250(17-26): Oct17,20,25,26,27,Feb16, 23,26,Mar11 On-1262(17-33): Dec15,Jan13,21 MarGate On-1148(12-11):Oct15 On-1177(12-20):Feb17 D-545:Oct6,Feb4 MineheaD b-708:Oct29,Jan29, Feb9,11,Mar28 D-549:Oct29,Feb4,9, Mar28 MoeLfre On-1116(47-013):Oct15, Dec5 On-1142(47-029):Jan18, Feb6,11 D-532:Jan19,Mar24 Montrose On-1096(47-005):Jan6 On-1152(47-034):Dec29 D-626:Jan6 MoreCaMbe D-564:Oct29,Nov4,26, Jan23,27,Feb4,Mar12 H-002:Oct21,28,29,Nov4, 26,Dec27,Jan23,27, Mar12 MUDeforD b-802:Dec27,31,Feb2 b-806:Oct6,12,15,19, Dec3(x2),7,12,Feb11,17,19, 21,Mar10,16,31 new briGhton b-721:Oct11,23,28,Nov1, 11,20,Dec16,31,Jan2,16, 20,Feb3,Mar3,4,13,23 H-005:Nov1(x2),20,Dec1, Mar27 new QUay (CarDiGanshire) On-1172(12-15):Oct12 D-616:Oct22,23,29, Mar2,21 newCastLe On-1188(12-29):Oct7, Jan7,Feb21 D-637:Jan7 newhaVen On-1243(17-21):Oct11,29, Nov10,19,Dec5,26,Jan22, Feb10,Mar3,17 newQUay (CornwaLL) b-715:Oct19,21,Nov14,15, 19,24,Dec17,28,Jan7,25, Feb17,20,22,Mar30,31 D-636:Nov14,15,19, Dec28,Jan7,14,25,27, Feb17,22,Mar31 D-640:Oct6(x3),19,21 north berwiCK D-619:Oct8,Dec17,Feb25, Mar15(x2),22 oban On-1225(14-21): Dec31,Jan6 On-1227(14-23):Oct25, Nov11(x2),24,26,Dec6, Jan28,Feb6,10,27,Mar4 on PassaGe On-1110(47-008):Dec12 On-1213(14-15): Jan5,Mar3 On-1233(14-25):Jan13 On-1254(17-27):Oct1 PaDstow On-1283(16-04): Oct8,12,Dec20,31,Jan26 Penarth b-725:Oct8,12,Dec27,Jan 14,Mar11 D-502:Dec24 D-534:Oct8,12,13,Mar31 PenLee On-1265(17-36):Oct2,10, 24,Dec13,27,Jan8,22,31 PeterheaD On-1096(47-005): Jan27,29 On-1138(47-025):Mar11 On-1160(52-46):Oct16 On-1282(16-03):Oct30, Nov3,Dec17,Jan11,13, 14(x2) PLyMoUth On-1264(17-35):Oct7,8, 15,19,27,Nov22,Dec1, 3(x2),11,29,Jan5,7,9,21, Feb12(x2),18,20,22, Mar9,13,28 b-775:Nov22,24,Dec3(x2), 15,21,Jan7,Feb12,22(x2), 25,26,28 PooLe On-1131(47-023):Oct8,29, Nov5,11,Dec30,Jan21, Feb6,25,Mar3,19,24,30 b-710:Oct27,28,29(x3), Nov3,5,7,11,13,30, Dec3(x2),6,30,Feb2,3,11, 24(x3),25,Mar3(x3) b-754:Oct8,14 PooLe, the Lifeboat CoLLeGe On-1100(tL-01):Feb22 Port erin b-576:Oct7 b-813:Mar23 Port isaaC D-530:Jan2,Mar7 D-546:Oct7 Port st Mary On-1225(14-21):Mar23 On-1234(14-26):Oct1 Port taLbot D-550: Oct14,Dec9,Mar30,31 Portaferry b-706:Oct29,Dec4,5, Jan21(x2),23,Feb4,11, Mar28 PorthCawL b-726:Oct4,15,Nov5(x2), Dec18,28,Jan2,Feb3,25, Mar7,16,30,31 PorthDinLLaen On-1120(47-015): Oct26,Nov19 PortPatriCK On-1151(47-033): Oct1,15,Mar25 Portree On-1214(14-16):Oct1,13, Dec1,Jan10,13,21,Mar23 PortrUsh On-1247(17-23): Nov10,13,25,Jan31,Mar30 D-509:Feb3 D-572:Oct11,23,25,Nov25 PortsMoUth b-730:Oct1,8,15,20,22(x2), 27,30,Nov5(x2),12,15, 26,Dec31,Jan6,22,Mar1, 11,24,26 D-554:Oct1,20,22, Nov5,12,15,Dec31,Feb17, Mar1,24 PwLLheLi On-1168(12-010): Jan10(x2),Mar31 D-522:Dec3,8,Jan10 QUeensferry b-735:Oct1(x3),2,15,22(x2), 24,Nov17,25,Dec3,6,23,24, 30,Jan1,31,Feb10,18,21, Mar8,27,29 raMsey On-1171(12-14):Mar22 raMsGate On-1197(14-02):Oct15, Nov21,Dec7 On-1213(14-15):Dec10, 11,Mar26 b-765:Nov16,21,Dec2,16, 30,Feb13,21 reD bay b-728:Oct29,Jan11 reDCar b-777:Oct15,22,Feb25, Mar4,31 D-523:Mar4,31 rhyL On-1183(12-24): Oct3,Nov5,12,Dec2,28, Jan14,Feb3(x2),Mar28 D-632:Jan14,19,Feb3(x2), 20,24,Mar27,28 D-660:Oct21,28(x2),29, Nov5,Dec2,8,28 roCK D-620:Mar11 D-625:Oct18,26 D-634:Nov15,21,Dec2, Jan10,Mar27 rossLare harboUr On-1276(17-43):Jan5,11, 12,16,30 52-40 City of PLyMoUth B-710 frienDLy forester ii D-570 E-002 CheLsea Pensioner RNLI H-003 hUnstanton fLyer On-####(52-##) Arun class b-### b class Atlantic 21,75 or 85 D-### D class e-### e class H-### Inshore rescue hovercraft rye harboUr b-727:Oct7,Nov19,Feb24 saLCoMbe On-1130(47-022):Oct15, 31,Nov27,Jan21, Feb3(x2),12,13 b-794:Oct24,31,Jan21(x2) sCarboroUGh On-1175(12-18):Oct25 On-1192(12-33):Mar28 D-560:Oct2,14,23,Jan23, Mar13,31 seahoUses On-1173(12-16):Oct1, Feb21 D-529:Oct1,Nov18,Jan31 seLsey On-1146(47-031):Oct7, 15,Mar17 D-495:Oct12,15 D-533:Jan31,Mar14 sennen CoVe On-1121(47-016):Oct16, 26,Dec13,27,Feb16,Mar17 On-1122(47-017):Dec26 D-624:Oct29,Dec26, Feb22,Mar3,8,10 sheerness On-1211(14-13): Nov14,Dec20,24,Jan22, Mar13,28,30 D-662:Oct5,7(x2),8(x2), 9(x2),Nov8,19,30,Dec1,3,20, Jan21,Feb22,25,Mar8,11 sherinGhaM b-702:Feb17 shorehaM harboUr On-1158(47-040): Oct19,Nov5,10,Dec7, Jan30,Feb14,18 D-645:Oct1,8,Nov10(x2), Dec5,Jan30,Feb13,14 D-647:Oct19(x2) sKeGness On-1166(12-008): Oct5,24,30 D-499:Oct12,14,29, Nov26,Jan1 sKerries b-747:Oct8,15,21,27, Dec24,29,Feb17 sLiGo bay b-781:Oct10,Nov22,26,28, Dec5,6,Jan14,Feb10,18 b-782:Oct8 soUth broaDs D-492: Nov9,29,Dec25,Mar17 Xp-42:Oct16,Nov9, Dec12,25,Mar17 soUthenD-on-sea b-776:Oct24,Nov6,25, Dec30,Jan16,Feb2,7 D-527:Nov16,Dec14, Jan24,Mar11 D-633:Oct2,26,Nov14, Jan1,Feb11 soUthwoLD b-750:Nov1,2,16,Feb17(x2), Mar25 st abbs b-722:Oct21 b-783:Jan14 st aGnes D-641:Dec6,Jan14,16,22, Mar11,31 st bees b-719:Oct9,Mar24 st Catherine b-772:Nov5 st DaViDs On-1139(47-026):Oct5, 9(x2),Mar31 D-488:Oct9(x2) D-543:Mar31 st heLier On-1122(47-017):Oct13 b-756:Oct20,24(x2) b-816:Feb18,Mar7 st iVes On-1167(12-009):Oct9,13, 15,Nov2,Jan6,21,Mar28 D-494:Jan15 D-515:Oct9,13,Nov2 D-668:Mar7,11 st Peter Port On-1203(17-04): Dec24,30,31,Jan30,Feb9, 18,Mar11,18 On-1278(17-45): Oct18(x2),22,24 staithes anD rUnswiCK b-753:Jan21 b-788:Oct2,Nov19 stornoway On-1238(17-18): Oct24,Nov9,14,Jan12,22, Feb17,24,Mar4(x2) stranraer D-538: Oct25,Feb5,22,Mar6,25 stroMness On-1201(17-02):Nov13 On-1236(17-16):Oct1,5, Mar2 sUnDerLanD b-762:Oct1,4,7,14(x2), Dec10,Jan4,24,27,Feb24, Mar3,26 D-608:Oct4,14(x2),22, Jan27,Feb17,23 D-625:Mar3 swanaGe On-1187(12-28): Oct3,Mar10,26 D-613:Nov2,11,12,Feb17, Mar10,11,26 teDDinGton D-576:Nov24,Mar28 D-648:Oct9,11,Nov6,12, 13,21,22,24,27,Dec1,6,8, 10,31,Jan1,19,21,27,28,30, Feb7,17,18,Mar5,7,17 teiGnMoUth b-809:Oct14,16,22(x2), 23(x2),Nov1,6,15,28,Dec14, 18,28,Jan13,22,Feb25, Mar15,24(x2) tenby On-1115(47-012):Oct1,4 On-1280(16-01):Nov10, 18,27,Dec20,Feb10,27 D-562:Oct1,4,Nov26, Feb4,Mar19 the LiZarD On-1145(47-030):Nov1, Jan11,18,25,Mar4 the MUMbLes On-1115(47-012):Nov4,9 On-1127(47-019): Feb4,Mar2,30,31(x2) D-623:Oct24,27,28,Nov2, 4,11,24,Jan30,Mar30,31 thUrso On-1262(17-33):Oct1 On-1273(17-42):Dec10, 23,27,Jan10,Feb8,24 tiGhnabrUaiCh b-718:Feb17,Mar18,19, 30,31 b-743:Oct6 toberMory On-1270(17-39): Nov11,Jan6,Mar3,29 torbay On-1255(17-28):Oct1,19, Jan28,Feb3(x2),13(x2)16, 18,Mar7,12,13,15(x2) On-1269(17-38): Nov27,Dec14,16 D-602:Feb18,Mar2,5,7,10, 13,14(x2),28 D-651:Oct8,9,29(x2),Nov6, 25,Dec7,16,Jan29,Feb11 tower b-801:Dec11,15(x2), 16,18,22,23,26,31, Jan1(x4),34,14 e-001:Oct6,7,9,11,12,13, 14(x2),15 e-004:Oct2,5,6,28,29,31, Nov1,4,8,9,11,12,14(x2), 15(x3),16(x2),17,19(x4),25, Jan10(x2),Feb5,6,9,10, 12(x2),Mar30(x2) e-005:Oct19,20(x3),21,22, 24,Nov24(x2),25,26,28, Dec2(x2),6,7,8(x2),9(x3), 10(x2),12,31,Jan17(x2),19, 21(x2),26,28,Feb18,21(x2), 22,26,Mar2,4,6,7,8,9,10,11, 14,16,17,22,25,28 traMore D-615:Feb15 D-643:Oct14(x2),15, Nov11,Dec3 trearDDUr bay b-731:Nov2,4 D-614:Nov4 troon On-1275(14-38):Oct19, Nov17,Dec20,Jan2,19(x2), 31,Mar20,25,27,31 D-506:Jan2,Mar14,20,27 tyneMoUth On-1237(17-17):Dec1 On-1242(17-20):Oct12,22, 26,Jan4,Feb5,12,27, Mar23 D-535:Oct8,18,20,22,26, Nov1,5,19,Dec1,Jan4(x2), Feb1,20,Mar31 VaLentia On-1218(17-07):Oct1, Feb7,14 waLMer b-589:Nov13 b-808:Jan30 D-514:Oct27 waLton anD frinton On-1154(47-036):Oct4(x2), 21,Nov11,24,Dec9,Jan21, Feb3,25,Mar2,11 weLLs On-1161(12-003):Jan30 D-512:Oct7,Nov11,Jan2 west Kirby D-612:Oct2,7,Nov21, Feb18,Mar27(x2) west Mersea b-761:Oct5(x2),14,15,18, 22,25,31,Nov18,24,Dec8, Jan13,Mar18(x3),31 weston-sUPer-Mare b-701:Oct28,Jan16 D-493:Oct28,Nov13 D-537:Jan16 weXforD D-644:Oct27,Jan30 weyMoUth On-1261(17-32):Oct1,14,17, 21,Nov26,27,Dec12,13,14,31, Jan5,6,Feb8,26,Mar17 b-724:Nov25(x2),26,27, Dec13,Jan6,19,Mar1,4,16 b-746:Oct2,5,22,26,28, Mar28 whitby On-1212(14-14):Oct1,13, 17,27(x2),Nov12,Jan27,Feb6, 14,15,23,26,Mar11,16 D-521:Oct24,Feb14, 22(x4),Mar7 whitstabLe b-764:Oct7,8,11,15,18,27, Nov8,23,Dec2,7,Jan27, Feb2,21,28,Mar2,3,11,16, 17(x2),18 wiCK On-1224(14-20):Nov22, Dec2,3 wiCKLow On-1153(47-035):Oct15 D-518: Oct15,Nov2,Jan14,Feb6 withernsea D-510:Dec17,Feb9 D-541:Nov29,Dec3,Mar7 worKinGton On-1141(47-028):Dec20, Mar12 D-629:Dec20,27 yarMoUth On-1249(17-25):Oct5 On-1279(17-46):Oct21,26, Nov11(x2),24,28,Dec12, 21,29,Jan5,Feb1,25,Mar18 yoUGhaL b-780:Nov29(x2),Jan8, Mar7 the services listed here are those for which returns had been received and processed by 1 May 2007. NAmiNg CeRemoNies B-808 Donald McLauchlan, Walmer, 5 may 2007 d-663 Duggie Rodbard, Walmer, 5 may 2007 oN-1284(16-05) Helen Comrie, Longhope, 14 June 2007 B-811 Hylton Burdon, Cullercoats, 28 April 2007 B-805 Jessie Hillyard, Bangor, 21 April 2007 d-657 Sally, Lytham st Annes, 17 march 2007 d-658 Sir Y Fflint, flint, 20 may 2007 d-652 Team Effort, fishguard, 24 march 2007 oN stAtioN d-674 OEM STONE III, Whitby,15 may 2007 (d-521 has been withdrawn to the relief fleet) d-671 Sheringham Shantymen, Wicklow, 21 february 2007 (d-518 has been withdrawn to the inshore lifeboat centre, Cowes) tHen AnD nOw Capital gains In 1927, London ‘life-boat’ day was a huge operation, supported by the Lord Mayor of London and many of the borough mayors. Four thousand collectors, mainly women, worked from 150 temporary depots.

Lifeboats were stationed at Southwark Town Hall, and in Lambeth and Finchley, in an attempt to bring the coast to the streets of London and provide prominent landmarks for collectors.

In a fascinating account of the day, the Life-boat journal tells of: ‘a collector in Central London, who was most touched to see an apparently homeless old man come up to put a penny in her box, and it was with the greatest pleasure that she fastened a paper Life-boat in his tattered coat.’ Another was shocked to receive more from a chauffeur than from the lady whose Rolls he was driving! Generous-spirited Londoners and hardworking collectors combined to raise over £4,300. Today, the RNLI is even more visible to residents of, and visitors to, the capital. Four lifeboat stations are located on the tidal stretches of the River Thames and one, Tower, is the busiest of all 232 RNLI stations.

Its new home at Lifeboat Pier on the Embankment has certainly raised public awareness.

London lifeboat day remains an important activity for the RNLI, as Regional Manager for London Stuart Willson points out: ‘London lifeboat day is the biggest single collection for the RNLI. This May, we had 1,900 collectors.’ Volunteers were to be seen at all major train stations in time to catch early morning commuters (raising £33,000) and at other key sites in the metropolis throughout the day. Stuart continues: ‘We don’t yet know the total for the whole of London lifeboat week but are hoping we can beat last year’s total of £240,000.’ .