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Lifeboat and hovercraft launches remainder of July–September 2006 Listings ABERDEEN ON-1248(17-24):Sep 25 ON-1262(17-33):Jul 17, 31, Aug 18, 26 D-500:Jul 26,31,Aug 26,Sep 25 D-536:Jul 17 ABERDOVEY B-758:Jul 19(x2),23,29,30, Aug 01,08,14,25,26,28, Sep 07(x2),23 ABERSOCH B-790:Jul 24,Aug 02,07,12(x2), 13(x2),16,21,24,26,28,31, Sep 02,03,08,14,17,23 ABERYSTWYTH B-704:Jul 02,11,18,19,23(x2), Aug 05(x2),29,Sep 02(x3),23,26 ACHILL ISLAND ON-1240(14-28):Sep 03,11 AITH ON-1232(17-14):Jul 01,07,26, Aug 05,29 ALDEBURGH ON-1193(12-34):Jul 18, Aug 01,08,14,Sep 03,08(x2), 13,19,20 D-520:Jul 24,29,Aug 14,17,21, Sep 07(x2),08 ALDERNEY ON-1199(14-04):Jul 12,16, 21,30,Aug 20,Sep 06,11,12,13 AMBLE ON-1176(12-19):Jul 10, Aug 20,24,27(x2), Sep 06,07(x2),12,15,23(x2) D-479:Jul 05 D-569:Aug 08,20,24,27(x2), Sep 06,07,23(x2) ANGLE ON-1114(47-011): Jul 14,16,30,Aug 18,27, Sep 07,08,21 D-638:Jul 15(x2),20,Aug 05(x2), 07,17,19,28,Sep 21,30 ANSTRUTHER ON-1124(12-001):Jul 18,22, Sep 01,07,10,23 D-461:Jul 18,22,23,26,29, Aug 30,Sep 01,10,23 APPLEDORE ON-1109(47-007):Jul 24, Sep 17,20 ON-1140(47-027):Jul 15 B-742:Aug 25,Sep 17,20 B-753:Jul 01,06,15,Aug 10 ARAN ISLANDS ON-1217(17-06):Jul 21,23,29, Aug 07,18,Sep 02,11 ARBROATH ON-1194(12-35):Jul 17,20, Sep 04,06,07 D-621:Jul 09,17,20, Sep 01,04,06,07,10,12,17 ARKLOW ON-1223(14-19):Jul 11,15, Aug 06,17 ARRAN (LAMLASH) B-770:Jul 12,Aug 09,13(x2), Sep 10(x2),12,24 ARRANMORE ON-1244(17-22):Jul 11,12(x3), 15,30,Aug 02,05,16,19,21,26,27, Sep 01,23 ATLANTIC COLLEGE B-713:Jul 12,Aug 21(x2) B-763:Sep 16,26 BALLYCOTTON ON-1233(14-25):Jul 08(x2),30, Aug 10(x2),19,26(x3),Sep 17 BALLYGLASS ON-1235(17-15):Aug 24,30 BALTIMORE ON-1137(47-024):Jul 14,15, 26(x2),Aug 04,07,08(x2),10(x2), 13,15,21,Sep 06(x2),18 BANGOR B-584:Jul 01,11,13,15,16, 20(x2),26,Aug 01,20,22,23, Sep 08,09,10,17(x2),29(x2) BARMOUTH ON-1185(12-26):Jul 13, Aug 08,27(x2),28 D-480:Jul 09,16 D-524:Aug 02,07(x2),11, 12(x3),13,23,26,27,Sep 01,10 BARRA ISLAND ON-1230(17-12):Aug 16 ON-1263(17-34):Jul 27(x2) BARROW ON-1117(47-014): Jul 16,20,30,Aug 10,12 D-567:Jul 05,16(x2),20, Aug 09,12 BARRY DOCK ON-1213(14-15):Jul 14,16(x2), 18(x2),22(x2),23,25,26(x2) ON-1228(14-24):Jul 30, Aug 02,06,13,Sep 08 ON-1245(14-29):Sep 13,26 BEAUMARIS B-768:Jul 02,08,09,14, 15(x2),25(x2),29,Aug 05,06, 07(x2),08,13(x2),22,26(x2),31, Sep 10,23(x2),24 BEMBRIDGE ON-1126(47-018):Jul 21, Aug 12,22,23,26,28, Sep 02,03,10,11,22 ON-1138(47-025):Aug 02,04 D-649:Jul 09(x2),Aug 07,28, Sep 03(x2),08(x2) BERWICK-UPON-TWEED ON-1191(12-32):Aug 10,30, Sep 09 D-639:Jul 25,27,Aug 30, Sep 09,17 BLACKPOOL B-748:Jul 18,19(x2),23,29, Aug 06,26(x2),27,Sep 13 D-558:Jul 16,18,19, Aug 06,09,18,26, Sep 09,13,20,30 D-566:Jul 16,18,19(x2),23, Aug 09,18,26(x2),Sep 09 BLYTH D-606:Jul 02,6,14, Aug 07,09,31,Sep 18,22 BORTH D-622:Jul 08, Sep 02,23 BRIDLINGTON ON-1169(12-12):Jul 06,07, Aug 08(x2),22 D-495:Jul 02,09,16(x2),21, 24(x2) D-557:Jul 26,27(x2),30,31, Aug 01(x2), 09,14,17,19(x2),20,28,30, Sep 06,17(x3) BRIGHTON B-724:Sep 23 B-737:Jul 01(x2),02,15,16(x3), 18(x2),24,28,31, Aug 05,06(x2),08,17,27,29, Sep 07,10(x2),21 BROUGHTY FERRY ON-1252(14-31):Jul 09,15,23, Aug 03,24,Sep 03 D-494:Jul 01,05,07,09,15(x4), 17,23,27(x2),Aug 03,04,06,07, 08,16,24,27,30,Sep 13,19(x2) BUCKIE ON-1259(14-34):Aug 30 ON-1268(17-37):Jul 12,19(x2), 28,Aug 06,07,08,Sep 14(x4),19 BUDE D-617:Jul 16,Aug 01,03,10, Sep 04 BUNDORAN B-711:Jul 12,13,20, Aug 12,26,Sep 30 BURNHAM-ON-CROUCH B-733:Jul 09(x2),18, Aug 07,27,28,Sep 02,17,25 D-519:Jul 09,18,Aug 28 BURNHAM-ON-SEA B-795:Jul 07,13,15,18,22 D-552:Jul 07,13,15,17,Sep 04 BURRY PORT D-602:Sep 06,09,16 D-611:Jul 11,18,23, Aug 08,11,24 CALSHOT ON-1159(52-45):Jul 05(x2),09, 11,14,15,19,24,27,30,31(x6), Aug 01,03,10(x2),13(x3),20, 27(x3),Sep 01,08,10,21 D-609:Jul 01,09,11,14,16,21, 24,27,30,31(x2),Aug 10,13, Sep 01,08(x2),21 CAMPBELTOWN ON-1241(17-19):Jul 02,10,23, Aug 01,07,17,24,Sep 03,18 D-571:Jul 02,07,Aug 03 CARDIGAN B-752:Jul 19,20,22, Aug 01,16,Sep 06,08 B-757:Sep 24,29 D-547:Jul 16,18,19,22,23, Aug 01,Sep 08,24 CASTLETOWNBERE ON-1277(17-44):Jul 19,23,30, Aug 01,Sep 18 CHISWICK E-001:Aug 20 E-003:Jul 25 E-006:Jul 06,14,15,16(x4),19, 21(x2),23,25,29(x2),30,Aug 05, 06,12,14,17(x2),19,20,22,24,26, 27,29,30,31,Sep 02,08(x2),11, 12,14(x3),16(x2),17(x2),24,25, 27,29,30(x3) CLACTON-ON-SEA B-744:Jul 07,08,14,26,27,29, Aug 07,10,30,Sep 09,12,16 D-559:Jul 27,28,Aug 27 CLEETHORPES D-618:Jul 11,18,30, Aug 06,10,11,26,27, Sep 02,05,09(x2),14,16 CLIFDEN B-751:Jul 29,Aug 05,Sep 10 D-525:Jul 14,Sep 10 CLOVELLY B-759:Jul 17(x2),Aug 20, Sep 05,19 CONWY D-627:Jul 04(x2),17, Aug 08,21,Sep 08,17(x3) COURTMACSHERRY HARBOUR ON-1204(14-06):Jul 07,12, Aug 03,Sep 03,04,05 COURTOWN D-548:Aug 06 COWES (INSHORE LIFEBOAT CENTRE) B-780:Jul 05 CRASTER D-542:Jul 10(x2) CRICCIETH B-707: Jul 02(x2),03,05,16,22,25, Aug 03,07,13,15,27,28, Sep 07,08,30 CROMER D-568:Jul 13,28(x2),Aug 08 CROSSHAVEN B-782:Jul 07(x2),19,22,23,30, Aug 07,08,12,Sep 07,09,15,19 CULLERCOATS B-590:Jul 18,26, Aug 09,19,20(x2),Sep 27 DONAGHADEE ON-1267(14-36):Jul 07,12, Aug 22 DOUGLAS ON-1147(47-032):Jul 07, Aug 12,Sep 06 DOVER ON-1220(17-09):Jul 03,04,11 ON-1260(17-31):Jul 22(x3),23, 27,28,29,30,31,Aug 07,26,31, Sep 06,09(x2),13,22,26 DUN LAOGHAIRE ON-1200(14-05):Jul 06,07,14, 16(x2),26,Aug 12,13,17,18,27, Sep 02 D-498:Jul 06,14,15,17,25, Sep 02,03(x2) D-565:Sep 25 DUNBAR ON-1207(14-09):Jul 20,29, Aug 16,Sep 03(x2) D-484:Jul 13,14 D-544:Jul 20,Aug 06,12,16,23, Sep 03,10,14 DUNGENESS ON-1186(12-27):Jul 14, Aug 09,12,22,Sep 13 DUNMORE EAST ON-1215(14-17):Jul 08,14(x2), 23,25,Aug 09,23,Sep 10 EASTBOURNE ON-1195(12-36):Jul 04,20,23, 25,27,29,Aug 12,19,20,24,Sep 13 D-436:Aug 20 D-604:Sep 23 D-605:Jul 01(x2),03,04,15,17, 18,19(x2),20(x4),23,24,25,26,28 30,31,Aug 03(x2),20(x2),21,24, Sep 07,10(x3),13 ENNISKILLEN B-581:Jul 12,17,23,25, Aug 20,27,Sep 01,02,07 B-592:Jul 08,19,Aug 06,18,21, 25,28(x2),31,Sep 09 EXMOUTH ON-1210(14-12):Jul 16,28, Aug 09,20,28,Sep 09,17,20,21 ON-1228(14-24):Jul 01 D-516:Jul 02(x4),04,06,08(x2), 09,15(x2),16,19,23,25(x2), Aug 01(x2),08,10,13(x2), 20,22,23,24,Sep 04,08,09(x2), 20(x2),21(x2),23(x2) EYEMOUTH ON-1209(14-11):Jul 16,29, Aug 07,15,27,29 FALMOUTH ON-1256(17-29):Jul 06,17,30, Aug 03(x2),06,29,Sep 08,10(x2) B-595:Jul 06(x2),08(x2),12,14, 15,21,30,Aug 03,06,09(x2),14, 17,18,29, Sep 01,08,10(x2),13,20 FENIT ON-1239(14-27):Jul 25,30, Aug 02,04,13,17,Sep 08 D-481:Jul 30 FETHARD D-528:Aug 19,31, Sep 06,10,15(x2),24(x2) FILEY ON-1170(12-13):Aug 05,22, Sep 09 D-563:Jul 12,21,29, Aug 07,08,10,16,27,29,31 FISHGUARD ON-1198(14-03):Jul 01,11, Aug 07,10,13(x2),24,26,28, Sep 13 D-652:Jul 26,Aug 07,10(x2),24, 26,28(x3),Sep 13 FLAMBOROUGH B-703:Jul 08(x2),16(x2),26, Aug 05,06,08,26,30,31,Sep 10 FLEETWOOD ON-1156(47-038): Sep 01,09(x2),13(x2),14 D-556:Jul 03,19(x3),26,28, Aug 04,19,25, Sep 01,06,09,13(x2),14,26 FLINT D-483:Jul 01(x2),09,17,27 D-505:Aug 29,Sep 10 FOWEY ON-1222(14-18):Jul 02, Aug 03,06(x2),12(x2),Sep 13 D-526:Jul 23, Aug 01,03,06,12,17,18,31 FRASERBURGH ON-1259(14-34): Jul 05(x3),16,20(x2), Aug 05,19(x2),20,Sep 10,19 Identifying lifeboat classes Amongst other things, lifeboat numbers can be used to determine the class: All-weather lifeboats ON-### (12-###) Mersey ON-### (17-###)Severn ON-### (14-###) Trent ON-### (47-###) Tyne ON-### (16-###) Tamar ON-### (52-###) Arun GALWAY B-738:Sep 09,16(x2),19(x2),28 B-767:Jul 23 GIRVAN ON-1196(12-37):Jul 09,14,17, Sep 16 GRAVESEND B-705:Aug 30 E-001:Jul 01,02,09,13 E-002:Jul 07,08,14,15(x2), 16,17,23,24,27,28(x2), Aug 09(x2),12,13,25,28, Sep 02,09,10(x2),11,13,18, 19,22(x2),24 HAPPISBURGH D-607:Aug 16,23 D-650:Jul 02,11,22 HARTLEPOOL ON-1226(14-22): Jul 03(x2),09,23 ON-1274(14-37):Jul 21, Aug 11,23,24,Sep 12(x2),23, 24,30 B-766:Jul 03,23(x2),24(x2), 25,Aug 21,28,Sep 09(x3),11,17 HARWICH ON-1202(17-03):Sep 19,20 ON-1278(17-45):Jul 13,15,17, 23,30,Aug 05 B-789:Jul 01,15(x3),16,17(x2), 21,22,23(x2),30(x2),Aug 13,15, 20(x2),28,Sep 02,12,15,19(x2), 26,30 HASTINGS ON-1125(12-002):Jul 14, Aug 05,Sep 14 D-477:Aug 05(x3),13,15, Sep 04,11,24 D-540:Jul 01,02,04,08,14(x2), 16,18,19,22,24,25,30(x2) HAYLING ISLAND B-712:Aug 20(x2),21,26,27, Sep 01,04,06,21,22,24 B-734:Jul 12(x2),14(x2),15,23, 24(x3),31,Aug 03,12 D-642:Jul 12(x2),14(x2),15, 16,24(x2),Aug 12,26(x2),27,28, Sep 06,24 HELENSBURGH B-757:Jul 13,16,21,22,25,30(x3) B-791:Aug 11,15,19,25(x2), 30(x2),31,Sep 30 HELVICK HEAD B-760:Jul 25,27,29, Aug 04,07,08,12,16,Sep 16 HOLYHEAD ON-1257(17-30):Jul 01,13, 15(x2),17,24,Sep 04,09,12 ON-1272(17-41):Jul 22,25 D-654:Aug 12(x2) HORTON AND PORT EYNON D-531:Jul 01,02(x2),09, 16(x3),22,23,26, Aug 02,12(x2),Sep 09(x2), 10(x2) HOWTH ON-1258(14-33):Jul 12, Aug 08,26 D-659:Jul 11,13,22, Aug 06,21,Sep 10 HOYLAKE ON-1163(12-005):Jul 25,29, Aug 27,Sep 21,28 HUMBER ON-1201(17-02):Aug 30,Sep 11 ON-1216(17-05):Jul 11,23,26, 29,30(x2),Aug 10,20,Sep 16(x2) ON-1226(14-22): Aug 15,24,25,27 ON-1236(17-16):Aug 12 ON-1237(17-17):Aug 05,07 HUNSTANTON B-749:Jul 04,05,18,22(x2), 24,25,30,Aug 09,Sep 03,15 H-003 Jul 06,11,17,18(x2), 22(x2),23,30(x2),Aug 25(x2), Sep 10,15 ILFRACOMBE ON-1165(12-007):Jul 08,11, 12(x2),Aug 01(x2),05,12 D-469:Jul 19,20,23,24,27,29, Aug 03(x2),06,08,15(x2),26 D-555:Jul 03,04,05,08,10,12(x2) INVERGORDON ON-1206(14-08):Jul 27,31, Aug 03,08(x3),17, Sep 02(x2),19,23 ISLAY ON-1219(17-08):Jul 05,24, 25,28,Aug 05,08(x2),19,Sep 05 KESSOCK B-771:Jul 01,15,19(x2), Aug 02,04(x2),08(x2),22(x2), Sep 09,10,25 KILKEEL B-593:Jul 10,11,23(x2),27, Aug 02,17,Sep 22(x2) KILMORE QUAY ON-1133(47-021):Sep 12 ON-1142(47-029):Jul 05,08,23, 28,Aug 13,25,27,29, Sep 08(x2),10 KILRUSH B-729:Aug 05,Sep 21,30 KINGHORN B-720:Jul 08,11,18,21,22,25,27, 29,30(x2),Aug 04,09,15,22, 27(x2),Sep 01,16,17,19,26 KIPPFORD D-553:Aug 10 KIRKCUDBRIGHT B-585:Jul 22,26,Sep 08 KIRKWALL ON-1231(17-13):Jul 11,12, 19,23,Aug 09,25,30,Sep 09,14 KYLE OF LOCHALSH B-740:Jul 18,23,Aug 02,05, 08,24,Sep 06 LARGS B-773:Jul 07,08(x2),23,24, Aug 14,15,20,27,Sep 03(x3),14, 16(x2),24(x2) LARNE ON-1246(14-30):Jul 21 D-646:Jul 22,Sep 24 LERWICK ON-1221(17-10):Jul 17,19 LITTLE AND BROAD HAVEN D-628:Jul 08,09(x2),21(x3),22, Aug 24,27,31,Sep 15 D-630:Jul 02,13 LITTLEHAMPTON B-779:Jul 02,08(x2),10,15,16,19, 23,24,28,Aug 03,10,12,24,26, Sep 17,23 D-631:Jul 08,23,24,29, Aug 14,21 LITTLESTONE-ON-SEA B-732:Jul 30,Aug 12,19,20,30, Sep 14 B-785:Jul 10,15(x2),16,25,27 LLANDUDNO D-508: Jul 02(x2),03,04,07,11,17, 18,19(x2),22,23,25(x2),28,30,31 Aug 24,26,Sep 01 LOCHINVER ON-1271(17-40):Jul 07,17,25, Aug 02,08,16,28,Sep 08,15 LONGHOPE ON-1149(52-43):Jul 09(x3),23, Sep 05,10 LOOE B-793:Aug 11,13,26, Sep 03,10(x2) D-574:Jul 14, Aug 04,05,09,13(x3),20(x2), 26,29 LOUGH DERG B-586:Jul 02,07,09(x2),18,20, 22,23,29,Aug 02,11(x2), Sep 13,17 LOUGH SWILLY ON-1111(47-009):Aug 14, Sep 03 B-717:Jul 11,23,28(x2), Aug 13,14,25,Sep 20 LOWESTOFT ON-1132(47-020):Jul 09, 15(x2),17,18,20,27, Aug 03,09 LYME REGIS B-774:Jul 02,09,15,27(x2),29, 30(x2),Aug 12(x3),21,29 LYMINGTON B-755:Jul 02,07,08,12,23,24(x2), 28,Aug 01(x2),08,Sep 09(x3), 10(x3),26 LYTHAM ST ANNES ON-1189(12-30):Jul 11, Aug 03,08,10,Sep 11,12,13,19 D-603:Jul 11(x2),18,23(x2),29, 30,31,Aug 03,04,08,10,11(x2), Sep 19 MABLETHORPE B-778:Jul 09,18,29,30, Aug 01,06,Sep 03,10 D-653:Jul 08,18,21, 23(x2),27,29, 30(x2), Aug 01(x2),06,Sep 03 MACDUFF B-804:Jul 19,30,Aug 17, Sep 19,24 MALLAIG ON-1250(17-26):Jul 03,16,23, 24,26(x2),Aug 03(x2),09,12,15, Sep 20,21(x2) MARGATE ON-1148(12-11):Jul 01,15,18, 20(x2),25,29,Aug 01,12,Sep 19 D-545:Jul 06,09,14(x2),16(x3), 21,30,Aug 05,06,15(x2) MINEHEAD B-708:Jul 02,24,25(x3),31, Aug 06,11(x2),12,17,28, Sep 10,25 D-549:Jul 02,25,31,Aug 11, Sep 25 MOELFRE ON-1116(47-013):Jul 01,02, 05,24,Aug 05,Sep 01 D-532:Jul 02(x3),05,08,11, 26(x2),27,Aug 05,07,09,12,18, 22(x2),27(x2),28 MONTROSE ON-1152(47-034): Aug 10,13,18 D-620:Aug 10,13 MORECAMBE D-564:Jul 25, Aug 03,21,24,27,Sep 14,28 H-002 Jul 18,Sep 14 H-006 Aug 03 MUDEFORD B-583:Jul 02,05,06,08,09(x3), 14,15,16(x4),28,29,Aug 10,11, 18,20,24,26(x2),27(x3),28, Sep 20 NEW BRIGHTON B-721:Jul 04,05(x2),06,15,18, 19,22,25,26,27,29(x2), Aug 13,16,28,30(x2), Sep 01,04,08,10(x2) H-005 Jul 05,06,16,Aug 30 NEW QUAY (CARDIGANSHIRE) ON-1172(12-15):Jul 22,Aug 25 D-616:Jul 22,30,Aug 16,25(x2) NEWBIGGIN B-745:Jul 02,22,24,30, Aug 06,Sep 29 NEWCASTLE ON-1188(12-29):Aug 01,12 D-637:Jul 01(x2),12,14,15, 27,28,Aug 02 NEWHAVEN ON-1243(17-21):Jul 02,05,10, 15,17,19,22,25,30,Aug 01,09,14, 22(x2),27,30, Sep 03,07,09,10(x2),24 NEWQUAY (CORNWALL) B-715:Jul 11,12,22,23(x2), Aug 05(x2),06(x2),12,16,29, Sep 02 D-636:Jul 12,Aug 05,06(x2) D-640:Aug 12(x2),19,29, Sep 02,06,14(x2) NORTH BERWICK D-619:Jul 01(x2),05,16, Aug 27,30,Sep 05(x2),08,11 OBAN ON-1227(14-23):Jul 03,05,09, 13,28,29,30,Aug 01,06,19,22, 24(x2),25,Sep 03,23(x2) ON PASSAGE SERVICES ON-1109(47-007):Jul 23 ON-1202(17-03):Jul 19 PADSTOW ON-1094(47-003):Jul 07,12 ON-1283(16-04):Aug 05,13,25, Sep 18 PENARTH B-725:Jul 04,16(x2),24,26,29, Aug 13,20,29 D-534:Jul 23,Aug 26,Sep 20 PENLEE ON-1254(17-27):Sep 12,18,23 ON-1265(17-36):Jul 01,09,31, Aug 01,03 B-787:Jul 01,17,22,23, Aug 01,03,06,09,20,24,Sep 26 PETERHEAD ON-1282(16-03):Aug 14, Sep 06,11 PLYMOUTH ON-1264(17-35):Jul 01,09, 16,25,Aug 02,06,09,12, 13,14,19,Sep 01,05,11,15 B-775:Jul 02,09,13,21,24,26, 28,Aug 06,08,13,14,21,30, Sep 05,15,20,21 POOLE ON-1131(47-023):Jul 01,02, 22(x3),23,25,26(x2),27, Aug 04(x3),09,15,26, Sep 09,10(x2),29 B-710:Jul 01,02,04,11,15,16,18 B-754:Jul 22(x3),23(x2),25(x2), 26(x2),27(x2),28,Aug 04(x3), 08(x2),09,10(x4),12(x2),13, 15(x2),17,18,21,22,26,28,29, Sep 03,09(x2),10(x2),24,29 PORT ERIN B-576:Jul 22,30,06,20,29,Sep 24 PORT ISAAC D-546:Jul 28,Aug 07,08, 19,26,Sep 09(x2),14 PORT ST MARY ON-1234(14-26):Jul 16, Aug 05,14,15,Sep 27 D-575:Jul 02,Aug 07 PORT TALBOT D-550:Jul 02,15,18,21,Sep 24 PORTAFERRY B-706:Jul 07,10,11,14,22,23, Aug 11,21,Sep 09(x2),14,23(x2), 24,28 PORTHCAWL B-726:Jul 01,02(x2),06(x2), 13(x3),15,20,22,24,25(x2),26,30, Aug 02(x3),19,26,27(x2), Sep 07,09,12,15,16,23(x2) PORTHDINLLAEN ON-1120(47-015):Jul 02,09,10, 23,25(x2),29,30,Aug 29, Sep 16,17(x2) PORTPATRICK ON-1151(47-033):Jul 01,14, 16,31(x2) PORTREE ON-1214(14-16):Jul 16, Aug 10,Sep 06 PORTRUSH ON-1247(17-23):Jul 16(x2), 17(x2),Aug 08,21,26,Sep 07,10 D-572:Jul 01,05(x2),17,19,25, Aug 07,15,17,25,Sep 07,10 PORTSMOUTH B-730:Jul 02(x3),03(x2),05, 12(x2),15(x3),16,17,18(x2),19, 23(x3),25,30, Aug 07(x2),08,13,16, 27,28,31, Sep 02(x2),03,08(x2), 09(x2),10,13,29,30 D-554:Jul 02(x2),12,15(x2),16, 20(x2),23(x2),Aug 05,07(x2),16, 31,Sep 03,09,10,30 PWLLHELI ON-1168(12-010):Jul 12, Aug 22,30,Sep 02,20 D-522:Jul 01,02,15, Aug 07,28,30,Sep 02,09,20 QUEENSFERRY B-735:Jul 04,05,06,14,16,17,30, 31,Aug 09,10,16,18,27, Sep 03,08,09,10,17,18 RAMSEY ON-1171(12-14):Jul 16,Aug 14 Inshore lifeboats B-### B class lifeboat (Atlantic 21, Atlantic 75 or Atlantic 85) D-### D class lifeboat E-### E class lifeboat H-### Inshore rescue hovercraft XP-### small powered inflatable lifeboat Y-### small powered inflatable lifeboat BB-### Boarding boat RAMSGATE ON-1197(14-02):Jul 06,09(x2), 13(x2),14,19(x3),29,31,Aug 03, 14,20,26,Sep 20,22,24 B-765:Jul 06,09(x2),13(x2), 19(x3),21,27(x2),31,Aug 03,05, 14,19,20,25,26,28,Sep 01,11,16, 24,25,30 RED BAY B-728:Aug 01,13,Sep 05,24 REDCAR B-777:Jul 02,03,09,11,12,23,24, 25,26,Aug 04(x2),13,Sep 15,16 D-523:Jul 03,24,Aug 04(x2),11, Sep 11,15,16 RHYL ON-1183(12-24):Jul 02,03,12, Aug 10(x2),12 D-632:Jul 01(x2),02(x2),03(x2), 04,06,12(x2),14,15(x2),16, 18(x5),19(x5),20,21,22(x3),23, 25(x6),26,27,28,29,30(x6) D-660:Aug 05(x2),10(x2),22,28, Sep 01,05,09,10(x2),13,15 ROCK D-625:Aug 12(x2),13(x2),14,22, Sep 09 D-634:Jul 02,07(x2),16,31(x2), Aug 01(x2),03(x2),07(x2),09 ROSSLARE HARBOUR ON-1276(17-43):Jul 15(x2), 17,22 ON-1279(17-46):Sep 07,14 RYE HARBOUR B-727:Jul 02,12,15,18,23(x2), Aug 13,27,Sep 04 SALCOMBE ON-1130(47-022):Jul 01,08,20, 21,Aug 04,Sep 01,29 B-794:Jul 01(x2),08(x2),23, 24,26,Aug 10,13(x3),25, Sep 05,06,11,13 SCARBOROUGH ON-1175(12-18):Jul 25,Aug 12, 22,27(x2),28(x2),Sep 18,20,22 D-560:Jul 11,Aug 08,27(x3),31, Sep 11 SEAHOUSES ON-1173(12-16):Jul 30, Aug 02,28,Sep 09 D-529:Jul 25,30, Aug 02,27,28,Sep 09(x2) SELSEY ON-1138(47-025):Jul 05 ON-1146(47-031):Jul 14,19, Aug 18,23,25 D-533:Jul 15,16, Aug 07(x2),10,15,25,Sep 19 SENNEN COVE ON-1121(47-016):Jul 18,28,31 D-601:Jul 18(x2) D-624:Aug 22,Sep 15 SHEERNESS ON-1211(14-13):Jul 02,16(x2), 26,31,Aug 09,13,22,25,28, Sep 08,09,12 D-513:Jul 02,15,16,20,21,23, 25,31,Aug 20,21(x2),Sep 02(x2), 11,16,23 SHERINGHAM B-702:Jul 06,Aug 02,09,Sep 23 SHOREHAM HARBOUR ON-1158(47-040):Aug 03,06, 27,Sep 08 D-645:Jul 02(x2),05,08,09, 16(x2),20,23,31,Aug 04,06, 08(x2),13,15,20,28,Sep 04(x3), 09,15,16(x2),26 SILLOTH B-714:Jul 07,Aug 05 SKEGNESS ON-1166(12-008):Jul 04(x2), 13,Aug 08,12,22,Sep 03,10 D-573:Jul 13,19,23(x3),27(x2), 30(x6),31,Aug 05,08(x4),09(x2), 16,19(x2),20,22,26,Sep 03(x2) SKERRIES B-747:Jul 07,09,21,22,28, Aug 05,Sep 03,15,28 SLIGO BAY B-718:Jul 08,Aug 24,Sep 03,14 SOUTH BROADS XP-42:Jul 21,23(x2) D-492:Jul 17,21,23,Aug 27, Sep 02 SOUTHEND-ON-SEA B-776:Jul 01,02(x5),03,09(x3), 14,15(x2),17,19,22,23(x2),26, 29(x2),30,31, Aug 01,02,20(x2),22,28(x3), Sep 02(x3),07,09,10,24 D-527:Jul 15,25,Aug 05,20(x2), 27(x2),Sep 03,10(x2) D-633:Jul 02,04,14,17(x2), 18(x5),30,Aug 01(x3),20,25, Sep 02,15(x2) H-001:Sep 17(x2) H-004:Jul 01,02(x2),06,12,18, 19,25,Aug 27 H-006:Jul 29 SOUTHWOLD B-750:Jul 08,09,19,28,31, Aug 01,17,Sep 09,18,19 ST ABBS B-722:Jul 13,16 ST AGNES D-641:Jul 23(x2),27, Aug 10,11,13 ST BEES B-719:Jul 19,10,17,Sep 23 ST CATHERINE B-772:Aug 16,Sep 03 ST DAVIDS ON-1139(47-026):Jul 09,26, Aug 03,05,09,25,31, Sep 03,07,13,Sep 16,24(x2) D-488:Aug 09,29,Aug 31,03,07 D-543:Jul 11,29 ST HELIER ON-1157(47-039):Jul 14,15,19, 22,31,Aug 08,10,Sep 01,19 B-756:Jul 22,Aug 08,Sep 19,21 ST IVES ON-1167(12-009):Jul 22, Aug 13,Sep 06 D-515:Jul 14,21,22,26, Aug 07,13,20,Sep 05(x2),09,14 ST MARY'S ON-1229(17-11):Jul 09,14(x2), 18,Aug 23,30,Sep 27 ST PETER PORT ON-1203(17-04):Jul 09(x2),17, Aug 06,10,11,16,28, Sep 01,02, 03(x2) ON-1278(17-45):Sep 12 STAITHES AND RUNSWICK B-788:Jul 03,07,24,29(x3), Aug 06,16(x2),28 STORNOWAY ON-1238(17-18):Jul 01,05,10, 31(x2),Aug 02,04,12,18, Sep 07(x2) STRANRAER D-538:Jul 30 STROMNESS ON-1236(17-16):Jul 01,08,26, Aug 05,11,24,25(x2), Sep 05,19,23 SUNDERLAND B-762:Jul 02,13,14(x3),16,17, 25,28(x2),30(x2),Aug 11,13,17, 22,27,Sep 06,10,13,20,27(x2) D-608:Jul 02,05,24,28,29(x3), 30,Aug 01,17,23,Sep 01,05,13 SWANAGE ON-1182(12-23):Jul 02,08,22, 25,30(x2),Aug 07,08,13,14 ON-1187(12-28):Sep 01,04, 06,08(x2),10,30 D-610:Sep 08,10(x2),12,15,19 D-613:Jul 28,30,Aug 07,08(x4), 12(x2),13,29,Sep 01 D-625:Jul 20,22(x3) TEDDINGTON D-576:Aug 07 D-648:Jul 01,02(x2),10, 12(x2),16,18,21,26, Aug 07,20(x3),23, 26, Sep 10,14,16,20,23 TEIGNMOUTH B-588:Jul 03,15(x4),25,29,30 B-809:Jul 01,Aug 03,09(x2),17, 18,19(x2),22,29, Sep 03,06,07, 10,28 TENBY ON-1115(47-012): Sep 04,09(x2) ON-1281(16-02):Jul 04,12,16, 22,27(x2), Aug 01,11,17,28,29,31 D-562:Jul 02,04,08,14,16(x2), 17,22,Aug 01(x2),03,05,07(x3), 08,10,14,18,26(x2),29,30, Sep 03,10 THE LIZARD ON-1145(47-030):Jul 15, Aug 03,12,13,23,26(x2), Sep 23(x2),28 THE MUMBLES ON-1096(47-005):Jul 02 ON-1127(47-019):Jul 17,27,31, Aug 02,05,08,11,21,27, Sep 09(x2),11 D-623:Jul 02,09(x2),12,13,15, 16(x3),23(x2),29,30, Aug 02,03,06,10,23,27(x2), Sep 06,08,09,10,26 THURSO ON-1273(17-42):Jul 06,11, 12,13,15,16,Sep 10 TIGHNABRUAICH B-743:Aug 02,Sep 02,08 TOBERMORY ON-1263(17-34):Aug 09,11,13, 14,18,19,20,29,30 ON-1270(17-39):Jul 23,28 TORBAY ON-1255(17-28):Jul 02,10,16, 18,25,28,Aug 01,05,09,13,14,15, 21,22(x3),24,25,26,29(x2), Sep 02,03,08,14,21,27 D-651:Jul 01(x3),02,04,08,12, 15,16(x2),22,25(x2),27(x2), Aug 03(x2),08,16, 17,21,26, 29,31,Sep 03,05,14 TOWER E-001:Jul 18,19(x2),20(x3), 22(x2),23(x2),24,25(x3),26 E-004:Jul 01,02(x2),03(x4), 04,05(x2),06,08,09(x3),10,13(x4), 14(x2),15,16(x2),17,28,29(x3), Aug 03,06,08,09(x2),10,11,12, 14(x2),16(x2),18(x3),Sep 01(x2), 03(x3),06(x2),07,08(x2),10,12, 14(x2),15(x3),16(x2),17(x3),18, 19,20,21,22(x2),23,24(x3), 25(x2),28(x2),29(x3),30(x2) E-005:Jul 27(x4),Aug 19(x2), 21(x2),22(x2),23(x2),24(x2),25, 27,28,29,31 TRAMORE D-643:Jul 23,Aug 02(x2), 17,21,27(x2),Sep 08 TREARDDUR BAY B-731:Jul 13,15,16,22(x2),26, 30,Aug 13,16,23,27,30,Sep 09 D-614:Jul 15,16,Aug 07,12, 16,27 TROON ON-1253(14-32):Jul 04 ON-1275(14-38):Jul 13,17(x2), 19(x3),20,27,Aug 09,24,29, Sep 07,08,18 D-506:Jul 04,06,13,17,18,19, 27(x2),29,Aug 24,29,Sep 08,18 TYNEMOUTH ON-1242(17-20):Jul 03,05,08, 31,Aug 03,09,11,31, Sep 03,08,10,12 D-535:Jul 03,11,31,Aug 03, Sep 04,08,11 VALENTIA ON-1218(17-07):Jul 13,19, Aug 02,03,20,Sep 09 WALMER B-589:Jul 13(x2) D-514:Jul 08,19,23,Aug 27, Sep 14 WALTON AND FRINTON ON-1154(47-036):Jul 08,10,14, 16,23,28,Aug 07,12, Sep 02,09,27 WELLS ON-1161(12-003): Jul 15,22(x2) D-512:Jul 09,11,15,23,25, Aug 02,09(x3),16,Sep 05,06(x2) WEST KIRBY D-612:Jul 01,13(x2),22,28(x2), Aug 12 WEST MERSEA B-761:Jul 07,08,09(x2),13,14,18, 20,21,24,26,29(x2), Aug 01(x2),Aug 08,21,Sep 02,09 WESTON-SUPER-MARE B-701:Jul 08(x2),23,Aug 08,29 D-493:Aug 08,29 D-537:Jul 01,03,08,16(x2),18,25 WEXFORD D-644:Jul 03 D-655:Jul 28,Aug 11, Sep 07,19,21,22 WEYMOUTH ON-1261(17-32):Jul 13,22(x2), 26(x2),27,29,30,Aug 05,08,09, 12(x2),13,23(x2),26, Sep 15,17,24 B-746:Jul 01,02,05,15,16,21,26, 28,Aug 05,06,08,12(x2),14,18, 23, Sep 10 WHITBY ON-1212(14-14):Jul 15, Aug 16,19,27,28,Sep 07,08,19 D-503:Jul 15,Aug 16 D-521:Jul 22,25,Aug 16,17,27, Sep 19,26 WHITSTABLE B-764:Jul 05,07,08(x4),09,12,13, 15(x2),16(x2),17,19(x2),21, 22(x2), 23,24,25(x3),26,27,28, 29(x3),Aug 13,15,20(x2),26, Sep 03(x2),09(x2),12,15,21,23, 25(x2) WICK ON-1224(14-20):Jul 03,04,18, Aug 06,09,20, Sep 14,16,19(x2),25 WICKLOW ON-1153(47-035):Jul 21(x3), Aug 09,26 D-510:Aug 06,19(x2) WITHERNSEA D-541:Jul 01,07,15,Aug 20, Sep 09,13,25,26 WORKINGTON D-629:Aug 23 YARMOUTH ON-1249(17-25):Jul 15,20, 23(x3),27,Aug 16(x2),19,21, 23,25, 27,29(x3),Sep 02(x2),19 YOUGHAL B-769:Jul 06,17,23 B-780:Jul 30,Sep 02,08 The services listed here are those for which returns had been received at RNLI Headquarters and processed by 18 January 2007 Stop press In 2006, RNLI lifeboats launched 8,377 times (the highest ever) and rescued 8,015 people; and RNLI lifeguards assisted 10,331 people and saved 63 lives. On station D-668 Colin Bramley Parker, St Ives, 5 February 2007 (D-515 Spirit of the RCT withdrawn to ILC, Cowes) B-816 David Page, St Helier, 10 January 2007 (B-756 Eve Pank withdrawn to ILC, Cowes) B-808 Donald McLauchlan,Walmer, 14 December 2006 (B-589 James Burgess withdrawn to ILC, Cowes) D-663 Duggie Rodbard,Walmer, 13 December 2006 (D-514 Lord Kitchener withdrawn to ILC, Cowes) B-812 Frank William Walton, Kilkeel, 28 November 2006 (B-593 Valerie Hull withdrawn to ILC, Cowes) ON-1284(16-05) Helen Comrie, Longhope, 26 October 2006 (ON-1149(52-43) The Queen Mother withdrawn) B-811 Hylton Burdon, Cullercoats, 9 January 2007 (B-591 Edmund and Joan White withdrawn to ILC, Cowes) D-661 Jane Ann III,Wells, 9 January 2007 (D-512 Jane Ann II withdrawn to ILC, Cowes) B-813 Muriel and Leslie, Port Erin, 1 November 2006 (B-594 Herbert and Edith withdrawn to ILC, Cowes) B-815 Peterborough Beer Festival III placed on service in the relief fleet, 21 December 2006 D-664 Puffin, Burnham-on-Sea, 11 December 2006 (see page 5) (D-552 Global Marine returned to the relief fleet) ON-1155(47-037) Sarah Emily Harrop, Calshot, re-allocated from the relief fleet, 3 February 2007 (ON-1159(52-45) Mabel Williams withdrawn from service) B-814 Sheila Stenhouse, Kirkcudbright, 14 December 2006 (B-585 Peter and Grace Ewing withdrawn to ILC, Cowes) D-658 Sir Y Flint, Flint, 19 December 2006 (D-505 Arthur Bygraves returned to the relief fleet) B-810 Tabby Cat placed on service in the relief fleet, 21 December 2006 D-667 The Rotary Centennial Queen, Anstruther, 30 November 2006 (D-461 Spirit of RAOC returned to the relief fleet) D-656 William Robert Saunderson, Llandudno, 22 November 2006 (D-508 John Saunderson returned to the relief fleet) Deaths William Arnell – Selsey former Crew Member Maureen Belbin – Charminster branch Treasurer and Secretary Howard Bell MBE – Honorary Liaison Officer Eastern Region and former Harwich Chairman Derek Chambers – former Portrush Coxswain/Mechanic Darren Cleaver – Barmouth Third Mechanic and Crew Member Ruby Gooch – former Hounslow committee member for 40 years Eileen Morris – Kings Heath fundraising branch President and founder member Betty Mobbs - Honorary Life Governor, Chilterns fundraising branch cofounder, former Chairman, President and Patron Geoffrey (Vicar Geoff) Williams – Burry Port former Crew Member The RNLI’s very last Arun class lifeboat on service (right) is finally withdrawn, replaced at Calshot by a former relief Tyne class (left). The first Arun, named Arun, was built in 1971 and had a wooden hull. The last, Duke of Atholl, was completed in 1990 and served for 17 years in the relief fleet. When introduced, the Arun was the only all-weather lifeboat with a speed of almost 20 knots that offered complete crew protection in the watertight wheelhouse. A Design Council award was presented to the RNLI in 1982 in recognition of the outstandingly good hull shape and overall design of the boat. Ex-RNLI Aruns can be found on service in Iceland, Finland and China Photo: Nicholas Leach/Ships Monthly Long service awards Gerry Adams – 48 years, Barry, former Crew Member now Lifeboat Press Officer. (Also Occupational Health Nurse and volunteer Ambulance Service First Responder) Chris Ayres – 50 years, Sheringham Boat house Manager Anthony Dynan – 20 years, Maplethorpe Crew Member Anthony Freeman – 20 years, Maplethorpe Crew Member John Harris – 22 years,Workington, Head Launcher Ray McDermott – 16 years, Skegness former Crew Member and Shore Helper David Thompson – 23 years,Workington, Second Mechanic Appointments Edward Nuzum – The Lizard Deputy Launching Authority Clare Pritchard – Conwy, Crew Member (first woman in station’s history) Retirements Fergus Hopkins – Youghal Crew Member Jim Hughes – Flamborough Deputy Launching Authority and Lifeboat Press Officer Joe MacLeod - Stornoway Crew Member Paul Theaker - Staithes Crew Member In memoriam Ieuan Bateman – St Davids Crew Member’s death, on service to the French trawler Notre Dame de Fatima 50 years ago, was remembered 8 November 2006 .