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Lifeboat Lottery Leap into Spring! Tickets for the Spring 2007 Lifeboat Lottery are available from 16 January–16 March 2007, with the draw taking place on 30 March 2007 First prize is a Citroen C1 and the second, sponsored again by Travelscope Holidays Ltd, is a nine-day Blue Danube cruise, with destinations including Vienna, Budapest and Bratislava. There will be seven further cash prizes ranging from £100 to £500. Another lucky winner The Lifeboat was delighted to hear from former Lifeboat Lottery winner Maggie Simons, who took a Baltic cruise onboard MV Van Gogh in July 2006. Maggie enjoyed visiting the many interesting and beautiful cities en route, particularly Stockholm and St Petersburg. She added: ‘It’s lovely to know that raffles really do have winners! Best wishes to all at the RNLI. If you don’t already receive tickets regularly, please call 0845 121 4999 or email [email protected].

(Unfortunately, because of varying tax and gaming laws, tickets are not available in either Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland.) It certainly was the Lifeboat Lottery’s year in 2006, with the Autumn draw coming in at a fantastic £930,000. This means that the first three draws of the year raised a combined total of £2.8M, so thank you all for your outstanding support.

The lucky winner of Autumn’s Mitsubishi Colt CZ1 was Mr D Clark from Essex, who says: ‘I look forward to some happy motoring and I ask you all to support the volunteer lifeboat crews in their dangerous task.’ Mr G Dyson from West Yorkshire won the second prize of a five-day Christmas markets cruise, sponsored by Travelscope Holidays Ltd. ‘I was surprised and pleased to win. It does us good to remember the RNLI and its staff and volunteers facing natural hazards every day of the year – I am only too pleased to support where I can.’ Richard Ford, MD of Travelscope, agreed: ‘We are delighted to be involved with the Lifeboat Lottery. It’s a fantastic way of making money for a very worthy cause.’ Congratulations to the other Autumn 2006 winners: £500 cash Mr F Corbett, Tyne and Wear £250 cash Mr G Crossley, Clwyd £100 cash Mrs M Strange, Devon £100 cash Mrs AR Roberts, Cheshire £100 cash Mrs J Woods, Liverpool £100 cash Mrs IG Whale, Fife £100 cash Mr and Mrs F Musson, Devon .