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Lifeboat and hovercraft launches remainder of March-June 2006 Listings ABERDEEN ON-1248(17-24):May 5,12 ON-1262(17-33):Jun 13 D-536:Apr 20,May 7(x2),Jun 13 ABERDOVEY B-758:Apr 21,May 1,Jun 10,11(x2),13 ABERSOCH B-790:Apr 13,20,27,28, May 13(x2),20,27,28,Jun 4(x3) ABERYSTWYTH B-704:May 16,25,28,Jun 1,3,4(x2),10 B-754:Apr 16,28,May 3,4 ACHILL ISLAND ON-1240(14-28):May 13 AITH ON-1232(17-14):May 23 ALDEBURGH ON-1193(12-34):Apr 14,29 D-520:Apr 28,29,May 21 ALDERNEY ON-1199(14-04):Apr 3,4,8,22, May 6,Jun 17,28 AMBLE ON-1176(12-19):Apr 17,20, May 17,Jun 4,7,19,24 D-479:Apr 20,Jun 2 D-569:Apr 17 ANGLE ON-1114(47-011):May 6,10, Jun 15,17,28,30 D-638:May 1,27 ANSTRUTHER ON-1124(12-001):Jun 30 ON-1174(12-17):May 12,Jun 23,27 D-461:May 12,Jun 27,30 APPLEDORE ON-1140(47-027):Apr 10, May 22,28,Jun 3,4(x2) B-742:Apr 14,17,May 1,7(x2) ARAN ISLANDS ON-1217(17-06):Apr 14,May 28, Jun 11,12,19,30 ARBROATH ON-1194(12-35):Apr 1,8,May 6,17, Jun 3,25,26 D-625:Apr 1,8,May 5,6,17, Jun 3(x2),5,25,26,27 ARKLOW ON-1223(14-19):Apr 16,23,27, May 7,15,Jun 3 ARRAN (LAMLASH) B-770:May 21,25,27,Jun 8 ARRANMORE ON-1244(17-22):Apr 16,24,30, May 22,26,Jun 5,6,24,26 ATLANTIC COLLEGE B-713:Jun 25 BALLYCOTTON ON-1233(14-25):Apr 18,21,May 22 ON-1266(14-35):Jun 15,26 BALLYGLASS D-570:May 13 BALTIMORE ON-1137(47-024):May 21,28,31, Jun 6,15 BANGOR B-584:Apr 1,8,12,15,30,May 7,25, Jun 5(x2),8(x2),10(x2),14,17, 27(x3) BARMOUTH ON-1185(12-26):Apr 19 D-480:Jun 3,9(x2),11,16,17,19 D-524:Apr 9,19,23,25,29 BARRA ISLAND ON-1230(17-12):May 4,Jun 20(x2),21 BARROW ON-1109(47-007):May 27,Jun 3,16 D-477:Apr 8,16 D-567:May 27,29,Jun 3,6,9 BARRY DOCK ON-1213(14-15):Apr 2(x2),9,28, May 11,19,Jun 8(x2),22,26,29,30 BEAUMARIS B-768:Apr 11,14,16(x2),18,22,29, May 1,10,18(x2),19,27,28,Jun 3,7(x3), 10(x2),11,14,20,21,25(x2),26,30 BEMBRIDGE ON-1126(47-018):Apr 5,14,29, May 6,Jun 5,6,25 D-649:May 30,Jun 2,16 BERWICK-UPON-TWEED ON-1191(12-32):Apr 10,24,Jun 17,24 D-639:Apr 19,24,25(x2),May 14, Jun 19,24,29 BLACKPOOL B-748:Jun 9 D-504:May 27,Jun 9,10,13(x2),26 D-558:Apr 1,3,May 1,25,27,Jun 9,10 D-566:Apr 1,3,May 1 BLYTH D-606:May 21,Jun 4,7,25 BORTH D-622:May 3(x2),24, Jun 1,10(x3),11,15,16,25 BRIDLINGTON ON-1169(12-12):May 29,Jun 3,4 D-495:May 29,Jun 3,13,17,18(x2) D-557:Apr 17,20 BRIGHTON B-737:May 30,31,Jun 6,9,10,13,17,18 B-753:Apr 2,9,16,29,May 2,3,15,23,29 BROUGHTY FERRY ON-1252(14-31):Apr 26, May 3,11,14,Jun 14(x2),25,26 D-494:Apr 15,26,May 14,24,25, Jun 14(x2),25(x2),26,27 BUCKIE ON-1268(17-37):Apr 24,May 4,17 BUNDORAN B-711:Apr 17(x2),Jun 4,10 BURNHAM-ON-CROUCH B-733:Apr 29,May 1,20,21,30, Jun 4,21,25 BURNHAM-ON-SEA B-795:May 31,Jun 3,6 D-552:May 31,Jun 3,6,10,30 BURRY PORT D-611:Apr 15,23,May 1,3,30, Jun 3(x2),4(x2),10,11(x2),14,17,18 CALSHOT ON-1150(52-44): Jun 10,11,12,21(x2),24 ON-1159(52-45):Apr 1,14,16, May 24,29,Jun 4 D-609:Apr 16,17,May 10, Jun 1,5,9,11,21(x2),24,25,28 CAMPBELTOWN ON-1241(17-19):Apr 3,Jun 11 D-571:Jun 14 CARDIGAN B-752:Apr 19,May 6,7,20,29(x2), Jun 1,21(x2) D-547:Apr 2,16,May 29,Jun 21 CHISWICK E-003:Apr1,2,8(x3),9,11,12,14,16(x3), 21,24,25,29,May 1,2,4, 13,15,16,19,27, Jun 2,3,4, 10(x2),11(x2),12(x2),17(x2), 18,21, 23(x3),25 E-006:Apr 2,25,26,28,May 1,6,8,9, Jun 12,28 CLACTON-ON-SEA B-744:Apr 15,19 CLEETHORPES D-618:Apr 8,17,May 7,28,31, Jun 4,14,16,18,24,27 CLOGHER HEAD ON-1190(12-31):Apr 18,May 2 CLOVELLY B-759:May 2,Jun 3,9(x2),28 CONWY D-627:Apr 17,29,May 26(x2), Jun 7,10,16,24,26 COURTMACSHERRY HARBOUR ON-1205(14-07):Apr 20,Jun 8 COURTOWN D-491:Apr 29 D-548:May 27,Jun 13,30 COWES ILC B-784:Jun 1 CRASTER D-542:Apr 16,May 21,27,Jun 19 CRICCIETH B-707:Apr 18,22,29(x2),May 29, Jun 16,21,22 CROMER D-568:May 12 CROSSHAVEN B-718:Apr 2,4 B-782:Apr 7,May 2(x2),4,25 CULLERCOATS B-590:Apr 2,14,16(x2),26, May 14,19,26,28,Jun 2,3,6,15 DONAGHADEE ON-1267(14-36):Jun 1,20 DOUGLAS ON-1147(47-032):Apr 30,Jun 1,18,26 DOVER ON-1220(17-09):Apr 5, May 4,16,25,30,Jun 1,13,29 DUN LAOGHAIRE ON-1200(14-05):Apr 17,21, May 13,Jun 2,3,9,29 D-498:Jun 2,9,25 D-565:May 19 DUNBAR ON-1207(14-09):Apr 4,15,28,29, May 26,Jun 3,6 D-544:Apr 1,28(x2),29(x2), May 5,26,Jun 6,11 DUNGENESS ON-1186(12-27):May 12, Jun 4,5,13,17,19(x2) DUNMORE EAST ON-1215(14-17):Jun 20,25,26(x2) ON-1266(14-35):Apr 1(x2),2,7,8, May 10(x2) EASTBOURNE ON-1195(12-36):Apr 16(x2), May 6,10,13,21,28(x3),29(x3), Jun 1,17(x2),23,24 D-605:Apr 16, May 13,27,28(x2),29(x2), Jun 3,7,10,17,19,22,23 ENNISKILLEN B-581:Apr 16 B-592:Apr 9,14,May 11,29 EXMOUTH ON-1180(14-01):Apr 14,15 ON-1210(14-12):Jun 5,8,9,10,15 D-516:Apr 9,15(x3),16, May 10,11, 14,30(x2),31, Jun 8,10(x2), 12,15,17, 25,30 EYEMOUTH ON-1209(14-11):Apr 10,28,29, May 26,Jun 2,17,25 FALMOUTH ON-1256(17-29):Apr 29,May 29,31, Jun 3,6,18 B-595:Apr 17,18,29,May 6,29(x2), Jun 4,6,8,15,18(x2),19,22,24 FENIT ON-1239(14-27):Apr 5,14,17, 19,30,May 4 D-473:Apr 5 FETHARD D-528:Apr 2,3,5,6,8,9,17,Jun 15,25 FILEY ON-1170(12-13):Jun 3 D-474:Apr 16,26 D-563:May 28 FISHGUARD ON-1198(14-03):Apr 8,May 5, Jun 10,15,18(x2),23 D-505:Apr 8 D-652:Apr 28,Jun 10,14,18(x2),23 FLAMBOROUGH B-703:May 28,29,Jun 10,13,14 FLEETWOOD ON-1095(47-004):Apr 1,6, Jun 10,11,19,20 D-556:Apr 1(x2),6(x2),10,30, May 28,Jun 9,10(x2),11,19,20,21 FLINT D-483:May 1,10,23,30 FOWEY ON-1222(14-18):Apr 15 D-526:Apr 15,29,May 30,Jun 17,29 FRASERBURGH ON-1160(52-46):May 5 ON-1259(14-34):Jun 9,11(x3) GALWAY B-767:Apr 21,29,May 31,Jun 10,11,14 GIRVAN ON-1196(12-37):Apr 28,May 7, Jun 10(x3) GRAVESEND E-001:Jun 29(x2) E-002:Apr 5,17,22,23,25, 27,29,30(x2) May 6,11,16,28,29(x2) Jun 1(x2),4(x2),9,10,11,14,16,18,20,22, 23,25(x3) HAPPISBURGH D-607:Apr 30 HARTLEPOOL ON-1226(14-22):Jun 5,12,17,20 ON-1274(14-37):Apr 8,May 6,30 B-766:May 11,Jun 4,11,25 HARWICH ON-1202(17-03):Apr 2 ON-1278(17-45):May 6,18,28,29, Jun 2,23(x2),28 B-789:Apr 2,15,16,17,27, May 10,15,16,19,27,28(x2),29, Jun 5,7(x2),10,19,23 HASTINGS ON-1125(12-002):May 6 D-540:Apr 1, Jun 1,8,11(x2),12,13,18(x2) HAYLING ISLAND B-712:Apr 2,8(x2),17,30,May 3(x2), 4,11,27,29(x3),Jun 3(x4),16,20 D-642:Apr 2,12,17,30,May 11,27,29, Jun 3(x2),9 HELENSBURGH B-757:Apr 4,9,23,May 7(x2),10,26, Jun 17,21 HELVICK HEAD B-760:Apr 10,Jun 12,28 HOLYHEAD ON-1272(17-41):Apr 28,29,May 18,25, 27,29,Jun 1(x2),11,17,19,20,21 D-654:Apr 16,May 17, Jun 3(x3),13(x2),17,19,21,25 HORTON AND PORT EYNON D-531:Apr 14,26,30(x3), May 12,28,29(x2), Jun 1(x4),8,10(x2),16,21,24,25,26 HOWTH ON-1258(14-33):Apr 14,15, May 15,27,Jun 5,7 D-530:May 3 D-659:Apr 14,30,May 4,10,15,20, Jun 10,27 HUMBER ON-1216(17-05): Apr 3(x2),11,17,21,29, May 3,11,26, Jun 3,4,7(x2) ON-1237(17-17):Jun 22 HUNSTANTON B-749:Apr 2,20,Jun 10,21 H-003:Apr 22,27,Jun 10 ILFRACOMBE ON-1165(12-007):Apr 29, May 12,26,Jun 22 D-555:Apr 21,May 1, Jun 2,9,10(x2),17,22,30 INVERGORDON ON-1206(14-08):Apr 5 ISLAY ON-1219(17-08):May 9,12,Jun 13,14 KESSOCK B-723:Apr 18,May 6,8(x3),28,Jun 4 KILKEEL B-593:Apr 1,May 14,18,Jun 7,9 KILMORE QUAY ON-1142(47-029):Apr 1,2,8,15, 19,21,May 16,20,Jun 4 KILRUSH B-729:May 31,Jun 10,17 KINGHORN B-720:Apr 1(x2),30, May 19,24,27,28,31 Jun 6(x2),12,15,22,25(x2) KIPPFORD D-553:May 20 KIRKWALL ON-1231(17-13):Jun 2,24 KYLE OF LOCHALSH B-740:Apr 14,17,22,May 6,13, Jun 3,21,28,29 LARGS B-739:Apr 9,15,16(x2),25(x2),May 9 B-773:May 2,17 Jun 4,6,10(x2),11(x2),27 LARNE ON-1204(14-06):May 13,28 ON-1246(14-30):May 8 D-610:May 28,Jun 20 D-646:May 2 LERWICK ON-1221(17-10):Jun 22 LITTLE AND BROAD HAVEN D-628:Apr 2 D-630:Jun 9(x2),10(x2),19,28 LITTLEHAMPTON B-779:Apr 25,May 13,28, Jun 11,13,16,17,18,25 B-792:Apr 13 D-602:Apr 13,24,May 13 D-631:Apr 30,Jun 11,16 LITTLESTONE-ON-SEA B-785:May 12,Jun 24,25,29 LLANDUDNO ON-1164(12-006):Apr 8,14,Jun 10,17 D-508:Apr 2(x2),May 14(x2),21, Jun 6(x2),9,12,19,21,26 LOCHINVER ON-1262(17-33):Apr 10 ON-1271(17-40):May 15,18,23,26, Jun 2,6 LONGHOPE ON-1149(52-43):May 5,15 LOOE B-793:May 14,25,31,Jun 3,5 D-574:May 18,28,31 LOUGH DERG B-586:Apr 9,30(x2),May 5,Jun 4,9,13 LOUGH SWILLY B-717:Apr 3,17,Jun 5 LOWESTOFT ON-1132(47-020):Apr 2,4,May 5 LYME REGIS B-741:Apr 29(x2),30,May 18,26,29 B-774:Jun 10,29 LYMINGTON B-755:Jun 14,Jun 21(x2),Jun 26(x2) B-784:Apr 29,May 23(x2) LYTHAM ST ANNES ON-1189(12-30):May 13,30,Jun 1 D-509:Apr 2 D-603:Jun 26 D-657:Apr 25,May 12,13,29,Jun 1,2,10 MABLETHORPE B-724:Apr 21 MALLAIG ON-1250(17-26):Apr 4,8,14,17,20, May 2,6,23,29,Jun 14,15,18,20,25 MARGATE ON-1148(12-11):May 24,30,Jun 4,26 ON-1177(12-20):May 1 D-545:Apr 5,19,May 3,11,Jun 4,18 MINEHEAD B-708:Apr 14,27,28(x2),May 19,Jun 22 B-754:Jun 3,8,9(x2) D-485:Apr 3 D-549:May 21,Jun 9 MOELFRE ON-1116(47-013):Apr 8,29,Jun 10,19 D-488:Apr 29(x2) D-532:May 21,26,27,28(x2),Jun 12(x2) MONTROSE ON-1152(47-034):Apr 29, May 16,31,Jun 10 D-626:May 16,Jun 10,11 MUDEFORD B-583:Apr 1,2,22,25, May 1,3,5,11,13,15,17,31 Jun 3,5,6,10(x2),13 NEW BRIGHTON B-721:Apr 5,21,23,28(x2),29,30, May 2,6,11,14,15,17,29 Jun 4(x2),17,18,25,28,29 H-005:May 14,Jun 4,29 NEW QUAY (CARDIGANSHIRE) ON-1172(12-15):May 29,Jun 18 D-616:Apr 14,May 28,Jun 10,28 NEWBIGGIN B-745:May 1,31,Jun 4,5,19,25(x2),27 NEWCASTLE ON-1188(12-29):Apr 19,May 1,Jun 3 D-637:Jun 3,27,29 NEWHAVEN ON-1243(17-21):Apr 3,9(x2), 16,21,23(x2),May 6,28(x2),29, Jun 11(x2),26,28 Identifying lifeboat classes Amongst other things, lifeboat numbers can be used to determine the class: All-weather lifeboats ON-### (12-###) Mersey ON-### (17-###)Severn ON-### (14-###) Trent ON-### (47-###) Tyne ON-### (16-###) Tamar ON-### (52-###) Arun NEWQUAY (CORNWALL) B-715:Apr 23,30,May 3,7,10,15, Jun 1(x2),5,11,24 D-636:Apr 23(x2),30,May 3,9,10,14, Jun 5,11,15(x3),23,24 NORTH BERWICK D-655:Apr 15,May 10,Jun 3,17 OBAN ON-1227(14-23):Apr13(x2),16(x2), 21,22,30,May 9,18,19,28,31, Jun 9,11,17,20,25 ON PASSAGE ON-1124(12-001):Jun 25 ON-1210(14-12):Jun 28 PADSTOW ON-1094(47-003):May 28,Jun 4,8,24 PEEL ON-1181(12-22):Apr 22 PENARTH B-725:Apr 2,May 10,Jun 1,4 D-534:Jun 10,25 PENLEE ON-1265(17-36):May 8,10,13 B-787:Apr 6,9,27,May 2,8,14 PETERHEAD ON-1282(16-03):Jun 1 PLYMOUTH ON-1264(17-35):Apr 2,14, May 3(x2),17,25,Jun 10,11,17,24 B-775:Apr 6,7,8,May 31, Jun 10(x2),13,22,24 POOLE ON-1100(TL-01):Jun 13 ON-1120(47-015):May 23(x2) ON-1131(47-023):May 24,31, Jun 1,9,10,11(x3),13,16,17 B-710:Apr 1,2,11,13,22,28, May 1,13,24,29,30(x3), Jun 4,5,9,10,11(x3),16,22 PORT ERIN B-576:Jun 10 B-734:Apr 14,16 PORT ISAAC D-546:Apr 9,28,30,May 13,Jun 14 PORT ST MARY ON-1234(14-26):Apr 9,May 9,29, Jun 17 D-575:Jun 17 PORT TALBOT D-550:May 7,15,22,Jun 4,12,18(x2),24 PORTAFERRY B-706:Apr 19,May 1,Jun 8,15,25 PORTHCAWL B-726:Apr 5,8,17,28,29,May 1,7, Jun 3(x3),6,14,23,24,28(x2) PORTHDINLLAEN ON-1120(47-015):Jun 17(x2),26 ON-1122(47-017):Apr 22,May 1,4,18 PORTPATRICK ON-1151(47-033):Apr 22,May 2,23, Jun 1,24 PORTREE ON-1214(14-16):Jun 1,3,5,9,14,16,29 PORTRUSH ON-1257(17-30):May 12,21,26,Jun 13 D-572:Jun 7,10,15 PORTSMOUTH B-730:Apr 10,15,16,May 18,21,27, 28(x2),29,31,Jun 1,4,6,9,18,25 D-493:Apr 16(x2),May 27 D-554:Jun 1,6 PWLLHELI ON-1168(12-010):Apr 23,May 15,Jun 3 D-522:Apr 1,18,23,Jun 3(x2),5 QUEENSFERRY B-735:Apr 29,30,May 5,16,27, Jun 2,5,10,26,27 B-774:Apr 1(x2),2,12,16 RAMSEY ON-1171(12-14):Apr 10,Jun 4,25 RAMSGATE ON-1197(14-02):Apr 2(x2),7,29(x2) May 27,Jun 3(x2),13,26 B-765:Apr 2,May 12,16,24, Jun 7,11,18,29 RED BAY B-728:Apr 6,May 8,Jun 11,20 REDCAR B-777:Jun 4,11,12,27 RHYL ON-1183(12-24):Apr 5, Jun 10(x3),13,16,18 D-632:Apr 1,5,13,20,May 6,Jun 3(x3),8, 9,10(x6),11(x2),13,16,18,25,30(x3) ROCK D-634:Apr 26,27,29,May 20,29(x2), Jun 16,18 ROSSLARE HARBOUR ON-1276(17-43):Apr 2,8,Jun 12 ON-1279(17-46):Apr 21 RYE HARBOUR B-722:Apr 30 B-727:Apr 25,Jun 9,11(x2),18 SALCOMBE ON-1130(47-022):Apr 14,25, May 2,4,23,Jun 10,16 ON-1138(47-025):Apr 2,May 31 B-794:May 31,Jun 16,28 SCARBOROUGH D-560:Jun 18 SEAHOUSES ON-1173(12-16):May 27,Jun 4,6,13,27 D-501:Apr 24,23,May 25(x3), Jun 10,13,23 SELSEY ON-1146(47-031):Apr 8,15, May 6,14,28,Jun 3(x2),4,11,17,28 D-533:May 12,14,Jun 10,11,18,24 SENNEN COVE ON-1121(47-016):Apr 28,May 6,13,22 SHEERNESS ON-1211(14-13):Apr 19,27, May 3,19,21,25,27,Jun 9,11 D-513:Apr 1,13,17(x2),26,30, May 28,Jun 9,11(x3),26,27 SHERINGHAM B-702:May 8,19,24,Jun 24 SHOREHAM HARBOUR ON-1158(47-040):Apr 29,30, May 6,13,30,Jun 17(x2),21 D-645:Jun 9,17(x2),24(x2),25 D-647:Apr 1,8,May 6,29 SILLOTH B-714:Apr 1,May 1,Jun 16,28 SKEGNESS ON-1166(12-008):Apr 17,May 3, Jun 21 D-573:Apr 17,May 3,15,Jun 3,12,18(x3) SKERRIES B-747:Apr 14,16,May 15,20, Jun 1,3,10,13,24,29 SLIGO BAY B-718:May 10,28 B-781:Apr 21(x2) SOUTH BROADS D-486:Apr 5 D-492:Apr 9,May 30,Jun 17 SOUTHEND-ON-SEA B-776:Apr 16,May 1(x2), 7(x2),14,28,29(x2), Jun 4,5,13,17(x3),25(x2),28 D-502:Apr 16 D-527:Apr 29,May 28,29(x2), Jun 10,11(x2),12,13,16,18(x2),28 D-603:Apr 2 D-633:Apr 28(x2),May 1,Jun 18,27 H-004:May 28(x2),30,Jun 11,18 H-006:Apr 17,28,29 SOUTHWOLD B-750:Jun 17,22 ST ABBS B-783:Apr 16,17,29,May 10,26, Jun 2(x2) ST AGNES D-641:Jun 24 ST BEES B-719:Apr 6,18,May 28,Jun 1,18,29 ST DAVIDS ON-1139(47-026):Apr 2,May 3, May 9,Jun 10 D-543:May 9,Jun 11 ST HELIER ON-1157(47-039):Apr 4 B-756:May 6,Jun 18,28 ST IVES ON-1167(12-009):Apr 3, May 21,22(x2),Jun 14,30 D-515:Jun 30 D-530:Apr 10,26,May 15,17,22, Jun 1,14,19 ST MARY'S ON-1229(17-11):Apr 17, May 13(x2),Jun 8,9,21,28 ST PETER PORT ON-1203(17-04):Apr 15,29,May 31 STAITHES AND RUNSWICK B-788:Apr 8,Jun 3,18 STORNOWAY ON-1238(17-18):May 2(x2),14,16, Jun 2,3,7,9,25 STROMNESS ON-1236(17-16):Apr 16 SUNDERLAND B-762:Apr 7,10,14(x2),16,17, May 12,21,25,29(x2),Jun 2,3,4, 10(x2),11(x2),15,19,25(x2),30 D-608:Apr 10,14,May 25,29, Jun 1,11,19,20,30 SWANAGE ON-1182(12-23):Apr 10,14,15, May 1,4,28,29(x2),Jun 11,28,29 D-604:Apr 10,14,May 1,28,29,Jun 3 D-613:Jun 14 D-640:Jun 22,28,30 TEIGNMOUTH B-588:Apr 1(x3),17,May 25, Jun 1,2,5,8,10,11(x2),20,25 TENBY ON-1112(47-010):Apr 18 ON-1115(47-012):Jun 18 ON-1281(16-02):Apr 15(x2), May 2,12,26,31,Jun 11,18,24,25 D-510:Apr 14,16 D-562:May 26,30,31(x2), Jun 4,11(x3),17(x3),18(x2),20,25 THE LIZARD ON-1145(47-030):Jun 26 THE MUMBLES ON-1096(47-005):Apr 30, May 22,30,Jun 22 D-623:Apr 16,22,23,27,29,30(x3), May 12,21,28,29,30,Jun 9(x2),24(x2),27 THURSO ON-1273(17-42):Jun 5,19 TIGHNABRUAICH B-743:Apr 22,25,May 18,27,31, Jun 28,29 TOBERMORY ON-1263(17-34):May 2,28,Jun 3 ON-1270(17-39):May 18,Jun 14,15 Inshore lifeboats B-### B class lifeboat (Atlantic 21, Atlantic 75 or Atlantic 85) D-### D class lifeboat E-### E class lifeboat H-### Inshore rescue hovercraft XP-### small powered inflatable lifeboat Y-### small powered inflatable lifeboat BB-### Boarding boat TORBAY ON-1255(17-28):Apr 9,11,15,17,18, 23,29(x2), May 5,6,7(x2),24,27,29,30, Jun 8(x2),9(x2),12,16,25 D-651:Apr 1,5,10,14,15,17,19,20,26, 28(x2),29(x2),May 7,12,13(x2),14,17,28(x2), Jun 1,4,10,13,15 TOWER E-001:Apr 8,9,10,May 2,3,8,26,Jun 2, 3(x2),5,7,9(x2),10(x3),11(x4),12,14,15, 18(x2),20 E-004:Apr 13,16,18,24,25(x2),29(x2), 30,Jun 23(x2),26,27(x2), 29(x4),30(x3) E-005:Apr 1,2(x2),4,5,6,May 6,7(x2),9, 10(x2),11(x2),12(x3),14,18,19,20(x4), 21(x2),22(x4),24,27(x3),28(x3),Jun 5 TRAMORE D-643:Apr 4,11 TREARDDUR BAY B-731:Apr 10,18,20,May 1,13, Jun 11(x2),17,20,23,25(x2),30 D-614:Apr 18,Jun 11(x2),21,23 TROON ON-1253(14-32):May 23,28,31,Jun 17 ON-1275(14-38):Apr 16,25,27,May 5,8 D-467:Apr 27,May 5,8 D-506:May 31,Jun 17 TYNEMOUTH ON-1237(17-17):Apr 3 ON-1242(17-20):May 22, Jun 3,5,11,12,13,17,19 D-535:Apr 2,4,9,23,May 27,28(x2),Jun 6 VALENTIA ON-1218(17-07):Apr 2 ON-1254(17-27):Apr 1,May 10,26 WALMER B-589:Jun 17 D-514:Apr 15,28,30,Jun 17,19 WALTON AND FRINTON ON-1154(47-036):Apr 15, May 1(x2),23,27,Jun 7,8 WELLS ON-1161(12-003):Apr 13,15,Jun 9 D-512:Apr 13,Jun 10,12 WEST KIRBY D-612:Apr 1,May 1,Jun 9 WEST MERSEA B-761:Apr 24,29(x2),May 1,18, 24,30,Jun 9,13,18,21,24 WESTON-SUPER-MARE B-701:Apr 26,30(x2),May 5(x2), Jun 3,7,10(x2) D-537:Apr 30,May 5(x2), Jun 3(x2),7,10,17,18(x2),25 WEXFORD D-644:Apr 29,May 28,Jun 12 WEYMOUTH ON-1261(17-32):Apr 5,8,15,17,25, May 6,13,18,28(x2),29(x2), Jun 4,14,24,30 B-746:Apr 2,5,6,15,May 6,20, Jun 20,21,30 WHITBY ON-1212(14-14):Apr 1,19,28, May 28,Jun 16,17 D-503:May 28,Jun 9 D-521:Apr 19,28,Jun 11(x2),12 WHITSTABLE B-764:Apr 1,16(x2),29, May 1,4,18,23,29(x2), Jun 4,17(x2),18,21,25,28 WICK ON-1224(14-20):Jun 2,28 ON-1225(14-21):May 5 WICKLOW ON-1153(47-035):Apr 6,24,Jun 17,24 D-518:May 13,Jun 3,8,17 WITHERNSEA D-541:Apr 3,22,26,Jun 2,11,17,24 WORKINGTON ON-1141(47-028):Apr 6,11,21,May 14 D-635:Apr 6,7 YARMOUTH ON-1249(17-25):Apr 1,6,22,25,29,30 May 7,19,23(x3),29, Jun 2,3(x2),4,10,11,15,24,28 YOUGHAL B-769:Mar 26,31,Apr 9,11,15,17,18,23, 29(x2) May 31,Jun 16,30 D-651:Feb 17,27,Mar 26,Apr 1,5,10,14, 5,17,19,20,26,28(x2),29(x2) The services listed here are those for which returns had been received at RNLI Headquarters and processed by 9 October 2006 Openings Trearddur Bay new D class boathouse, 3 August 2006 Fleetwood combined lifeboat station and Coastguard rescue base, 15 July 2006.This new facility was partly funded by a legacy to the RNLI from Harry Jackson in memory of his wife Annie.Their nephew, David Thompson, says: ‘As someone who was born and bred in Fleetwood I know what great work the RNLI and the Coastguard do, and I felt proud to be able to hand over the new building on behalf of my Uncle Harry.’ Davy Thompson, Coastguard Area Operations Manager, says: ‘This has been an exciting project that further strengthens the relationship between the RNLI and MCA. Our volunteers work and train together and so to have them co-located seems natural.’ Appointments Ian Clayton – Seahouses Lifeboat Operations Manager (continuing as Press Officer) Michael Douglas – Seahouses Training Coordinator (continuing as Coxswain) Long service awards Mike McErlane – Kinghorn Helmsman Mike (37) a marine contractor with BP at Houndpoint oil terminal, started as a volunteer with the RNLI when he was just 17. He lives in the village with his wife Katy, and they are expecting their first child at the end of the year.

Mike recalls some of his experiences during the past 20 years: ‘It was certainly very different when I first started. Our boat was housed in a 'shed', which used to fill up when the tide was high! Now we have a purpose-built boathouse that has a warm room where the drysuits can dry, and an operations room, which makes our training far more professional.

‘Some of the worst shouts that stick in my mind include the plane crash off Granton, the sinking of the fishing boat Amber and the many bodies we have been tasked to recover. However the highlights include every time we manage to save a life, like the mother and father who had been taken out in their son's new boat for Fathers Day that unfortunately sank. They were so happy when we pulled them on board.

‘I also remember saving a dog that was washed off the Esplanade in Kirkcaldy and out to sea. It only managed to keep afloat due to all its fur and was really struggling. Once we lifted it onboard it shook itself, wagged its tail and laid its head on my lap all the way back into shore.’ Leslie Coe – Walmer Boathouse Manager Les has completed an extraordinary 50 years of voluntary service with the RNLI.

Officially, Les joined on 16 December 1957 (his 17th birthday) but unofficially he joined at 15. He has had a variety of roles at the lifeboat station: Shorehelper 1955–59, Lightman 1959–62, Assistant Winchman 1962–66, inshore Crew Member/Helmsman 1964–72, all-weather Crew Member 1966,Winchman 1966–68, Head Launcher 1968–90 and Shorehelper 1990–2005, standing down on his 65th birthday but remaining as Boathouse Manager.

Training Divisional Inspector Richard Wynn says: ‘Les has given so much dedication and service, helping and saving literally hundreds of people over the last half century.’ 100th birthday Betty Mobbs – Honorary Life Governor, Chiltern fundraising branch co-founder, former Chairman, President and Patron, 14 October 2006 Retirements Vic Derham – Mudeford Lifeboat Operations Manager Neil Dixon – Seahouses Lifeboat Operations Manager Mick Freeman – Eastbourne Crew Member, Navigator and Second Mechanic John Murray – Portaferry Lifeboat Operations Manager Jim Owen – Criccieth Deputy Launching Authority Alex Palmer – Peterhead Mechanic Desmond ‘Dessie’ Rogers – Portaferry Deputy Launching Authority Deaths Raymond Baxter – broadcaster, yachtsman, former member of the RNLI Public Relations Advisory Committee and Guest of Honour at the 1976 Annual Presentation of Awards Kathleen Castle – lifelong fundraiser and wife of former Port Isaac Lifeboat Operations Manager Glynis Clegg – former Tobermory Crew Member Francis Drake – former Tobermory Deputy Launching Authority and President Bob Evans – Penarth Crew Member Thomas Farley – former Borehamwood Depot Painter Rob Hislop – former Helensburgh Deputy Launching Authority and Crew Member Mike Jones – former Newquay Crew Member Sergeant Bob Martin – Chelsea Pensioner and fundraiser extraordinare (see the Lifeboat Summer 2006) Brian Nordon – former Withernsea Secretary Elson Phillips – former Little and Broad Haven Chairman and Honorary Secretary John Stout – former Stromness Deputy Launching Authority Stanley Turns – Salcombe Assistant Harbour Master and lifeboat station Deputy Launching Authority and former Crew Member and Second Coxswain Giovanni Vanzino – Cromer Deputy Launching Authority and former Crew Member On station D-662 Eleanor, Sheerness, 27 September 2006 D-513 withdrawn to the relief fleet D-669 George Bearman, Exmouth, 28 September 2006 D-516 withdrawn to the relief fleet B-805 Jessie Hillyard, Bangor, 8 October 2006 B-584 withdrawn to ILC, Cowes B-806 Mudeford Servant, Mudeford, 22 September 2006 B-583 withdrawn to ILC, Cowes B-809 The Two Annes, Teignmouth, 1 August 2006 B-588 withdrawn to ILC, Cowes Naming ceremonies D-660 City of Leeds II, relief fleet, 2 June 2006 D-669 George Bearman, Exmouth, 30 September 2006 Ian and Anne Butler, training boat, 20 October 2006 (see a future issue of the Lifeboat for details) B-804 Lydia MacDonald, Macduff, 22 September 2006 ON-1283(16-04) Spirit of Padstow, Padstow, 17 September 2006 B-809 The Two Annes,Teignmouth, 4 August 2006 (see page 31) Atlantic 85s allocated in 2006 (see page 31) Bangor B-805 Jessie Hillyard Cullercoats B-811 Hylton Burdon Kilkeel B-812 Frank William Walton Kirkcudbright B-814 Sheila Stenhouse Macduff B-804 Lydia MacDonald Mudeford B-806 Mudeford Servant Port Erin B-813 Muriel and Leslie St Helier B-816 David Page Teignmouth B-809 The Two Annes Walmer B-808 Arthur Donald McLauchlan Relief B-801, B-802, B-803, B-807, and B-810 .