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Dear Editor I read Nick Page's letter regarding inflatable toys [the Lifeboat Summer 2006] with much fellow feeling. Being both a harbour master and an RNLI deputy launching authority I dislike these things with something close to a passion in an offshore wind. But our local shops here at the harbour now ask us if it is safe to sell them if the wind is blowing at all hard. Strike one for local communication and goodwill! A possible way forward for those close to the action? Best wishes, Mike Poupard Lyme Regis, Dorset RNLI Beach Safety Manager Steve Wills comments: Well done, Mike! You are not alone. Skegness lifeboat station has convinced a major retailer to stop selling a particularly dangerous inflatable with a motor. I would strongly urge anyone considering using inflatables at the coast to use them at the pool instead.

Indeed, we would like to see more restrictions on sales at the seaside - stations can contact me for more advice.

[Also see page 26.] To: HM Coastguard; East Sussex Fire and Rescue; Sussex Air Ambulance; RNLI We are writing to express our thanks and praise for your response to the emergency that arose from a fire in the starboard main engine of our vessel MV The Calypso in the early hours of 6 May 2006.

We would like to thank you for the prompt and professional way in which you reacted to and coordinated the comprehensive multiagency response via the Maritime Incident Response Croup to the ship's Mayday call.

Both passengers and crew who were aboard at the time have expressed to us the considerable comfort received when we were able to advise them of the response from your organisations.

We would be grateful if you could pass our thanks to those concerned.

Yours faithfully, Stelios Kiliaris CEO Louis Cruise Lines Nicosia, Cyprus The Editor comments: See page 26 for more on this incident, which was the Maritime Incident Response Group's (MIRC) first. MIRC is a new fire and rescue service specially trained to fight fire in the marine environment. The RNLI works alongside MIRC.Dear Editor I relocated from Northamptonshire to California just a few weeks ago. One of the first items I received in my redirected mail was my Lifeboat magazine. I flicked it open, thinking the contents would all seem a long way away. Imagine my pleasure when I spotted your feature about Hoylake - my home town.

I well remember, back in 1971-2, my father, BillWhitehurst, was Chairman of the then-Hoylake Urban District Council. One of the official engagements that he and my mother undertook was at the Royal Festival Hall in London to see the Hoylake crew receive one of their gallantry awards from the Duke of Kent. My parents were so proud of the 'boys' and the crew was so delighted that their local 'dignitaries' were able to join the celebration. It was a real day to remember for all of them.

Regards, Jane Evans Pasadena, California, US Dear Editor I thought I'd drop you a line to let you know that I have just enrolled my granddaughter, Grace, as a member of your children's club Storm Force. She is 12 hours old. Her cousin Emily is already a member, having joined at just 3'/ hours back in 2004. Both mothers were once members too! Your readers might like to consider doing something similar for a young person in their lives! RNLI Life Governor Chris Clifford Erdington, Birmingham The Editor comments: Congratulations to Grace and her family - the Editor of Storm Force News eagerly awaits Grace's first artwork contribution! (See opposite for details of all RNLI supporter categories.).