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The Writers Bureau

Why not be a WRITER? As a freelance writer, you can earn very good money in your spare time writing the stories, articles, books, scripts etc.

that editors and publishers want. Millions of pounds are paid annually in fees and royalties. Earning YOUR share can be fun, profitable and creatively most fulfilling.

To help you become a published writer, we offer you a first-class home-study course by professional writers - with individually tailored tuition and expert personal guidance from your tutor. You learn about writing articles, stories, novels, romances, historicals, journalism, writing for children, radio. TV, the stage etc. You are advised on style, presentation. HOW TO SELL YOUR WRITING, sources of ideas - and much more. In short, you learn how to be a successful writer.

If you have the urge to write, this is the way to start! It's ideal for beginners. No previous experience or special education required. You can earn while you learn.

Details free - including EXPERT OPINIONS. Visit our website or call our Freephone number NOW. QCC 000 a Freephone 24hrs 7 days Please Quote Ref. ZS624 The Writers Bureau Writer of the Year 2006 Caroline Foster: " Since embarking on The Writers Bureau course I've been published in a number of regional magazines. I am on target for earnings of around £ 1 2.000 for the year for roughly 25hrs per week. " aue .«•'«/ me FKKK ttauib iiflun, 1,1 vow (i w« c*'.vv/»/. iMihliitirtl writer.

'titiu' HHK k l MllAlS PLEASE] Address .

The Writers Bureau Freepost ZS624, Manchester, M1 9HZ email: 2Sfc2-H« /'/rn «- in lintf oitr nttme A nttJn- . L OPEN S DISTANCE LEARNING y.