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Lifeboat Lottery

The winter 2005 Lifeboat Lottery raised almost £750,000 for the RNLI - thank you! Once again, the quarterly Lifeboat Lottery has broken all records, bringing 2005's total Lottery income to an extraordinary £2.5M.

This could provide up to 1,500 sets of all weather kit for volunteer lifeboat crews, or 15 B class Atlantics and 25 D class lifeboats, or one Tamar class! The winner of the grand prize, a sunshine cruise for two kindly sponsored byTravelscope, was Roger Cilley from Lyndhurst in Hampshire. He said:'It's wonderful to win this; I have never been on a cruise before. I have supported the RNLI for many years, being a regular sailor with a boat on the Beaulieu River. The RNLI do a great job.' TRiVELSCOPE Richard Ford, Managing Director for prize sponsors Travelscope said: 'We are delighted to continue sponsoring the RNLI's Lottery and look forward to welcoming Mr Gilley on the cruise.'Congratulations also go to the following cash prize winners: £1,000 cash Mrs I Broughton (Somerset) £500 cash Mr R Buckley (Cheshire) £250 cash Mrs JE Reader (Derbyshire) £100 cash Mr R Brownson (Co. Durham) £100 cash Mrs FR Hutton (Gwynedd) £100 cash Miss I Scullion (Ayrshire) £100 cash Mrs M Taylor (Surrey) £100 cash Mr J Winterbottom (West Midlands)Your chance to win! EMOY Tickets for the summer 2006 Lottery will be available from 17 April, with a closing date of 16 June 2006. If you don't already receive tickets and would like to, please call 0845 121 4999 or email [email protected]. (Tickets not available in Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland.) For the first time you will also be able to buy Lifeboat Lottery tickets in place of the regional draw at events run by RNLI fundraising branches and guilds all over Britain. See page 31 for contact details of RNLI regional offices - they can put you in touch with your nearest group.

The summer 2006 grand prize is a three-door Vauxhall Corsa Life (may differ from model shown). This time second prize is a cruise, kindly sponsored by Page & Moy, and there are seven cash prizes ranging from £100 to £500.

Wendy Lawrence, Marketing Director of long-term RNLI supporters Page & Moy said: 'Our relationship with the RNLI is a special one and we are delighted to be able to expand on our support by providing prizes for the Lifeboat Lottery and helping to raise over £500,000 each time.'.