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Therapy and day-long comfort from Willowbrook Win a rec ner My aches and pains have lessened and the stress has gone out of my life, I feel so restful.

100 runner up prizes too! Should be experienced by sufferers of: Ei Stress and Tension ft Arthritic Pain Ei Aches and Pains d Back Pain Ci Mobility Problems & many other conditions • 35% DISCOUNT • £150 cash Here's an exclusive opportunity for you to win a top of the range Willowbrook powered riser/recliner chair! Get to your feet effortlessly in this elegant and stylish custom built piece of furniture.

Combined with the optional built-in 5-point massage therapy system, this luxury recliner really should be experienced by sufferers of numerous ailments. But don't just take our word for it - our recliners are endorsed by a Harley Street Orthopaedic Consultant.

One of the best recliners made in the UK today, Willowbrook designers have developed a choice of chairs that combine therapy and practicality with comfort and beauty.

Closing date 31st March 2006 5 models available Wide variety of sizes Huge range of colours & fabrics 5-point massage therapy systems Expert installation and delivery included 3 year on-site guarantee included To enter the Draw call our 24hr freephone: 0800 854 330. or fill in and return the freepost coupon (no stamp required) | Please fill in and return to: Free Recliner Prize Draw, 1 Willowbrook, FREEPOST SWC2458, Droitwich WR9 OBR • ~ •* LIFEB01/06C Please send me a free colour brochure and enter me in your Prize Draw to win a Willowbrook Powered Recliner.

TERMS 4 CONDITIONS number o* entries received, no puchase s necessary, t The 35% dacount relates to our Jan 05 retal price bst and onry apphes to etectncaty powered m and recfne chars. For a copy of the official rules please send a stamped sef addressed envelope to the address n me coupon. Al entries received before 31st March 2006 wi be placed no our montnv draw and the wtner wi receive any fabrc -covered ndner from our range. Entry is Irmted to one per household.

I Daytime Tel I I I Don1! forget your phon« number so we can contact you H you'rt a lucky winner* Address.

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