An Invitation to All Supporters
Annual Presentation of Awards ' It has been a busy year for the RNLI - in fact, probably its busiest ever in 181 years. Supporters are now invited to reflect on the events of 2005 at a very special day.The RNLI's Annual General Meeting (ACM) and Annual Presentation of Awards (APA) take place at the Barbican Hall, London on 18 May 2006. Tickets for both events are free and all are welcome on a first-come, first-served basis.
The ACM, due to begin at 11.30am, comprises the official business of the charity. It will include an address from RNLI Chairman Admiral Sir Jock Slater, the presentation of the Annual Review, Report and Accounts and questions from the audience to the Directors.
All members can attend the AGM but only Governors have the right to vote. See page 27 or phone 0800 543 210 for details of becoming a Governor.
The APA will follow at 2.30pm and is the most celebratory part of the day. A film review of the RNLI year will be shown, highlighting operational, technical and fundraising events and people from 2005.
This is currently in preparation and supporters are invited to submit any suitable film footage they might have for possible inclusion. Please send to Eleanor Driscoll, Film and Image Manager, at RNLI headquarters in Poole.
The day comes to an emotional climax with the presentation of awards to the RNLI's supporters and volunteers in recognition of their outstanding dedication and commitment to the RNLI. Corporate sponsors, classes of school children, media companies and life-long branch members are all thanked alongside lifeboat crew who have displayed outstanding gallantry.AGM and APA tickets Name(s) Address Postcode Membership no.
I/we wish to attend the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING on Thursday 18 May 2006 at 11.30am Barbican Hall, Barbican Centre, London. Please indicate number of tickets required: - by Governors - by non-Governors NB Only Governor members of the RNLI are entitled to vote at the AGM.
If you would like to find out more about becoming a Governor, see page 27 or phone 0800 543 210.
I/we wish to attend the ANNUAL PRESENTATION OF AWARDS on Thursday 18 May 2006 at 2.30pm Barbican Hall, Barbican Centre, London. Please indicate number of tickets required I/we would like to receive a copy of the ANNUAL REVIEW, REPORT AND ACCOUNTS in advance of the Annual General Meeting. Please tick for an advance copy NB It will save the RNLI money if you can collect your copy at the meeting I/we cannot attend either meeting but would like to receive a copy of the ANNUAL REVIEW, REPORT AND ACCOUNTS NB RNLI branches and guilds have received invitations directly and should not use this form.
Registered Charity Number: 209603 (UK), CHY 2678 (Rol) Please send your application by 31 March 2006 to: RNLI, AGM Office, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ Tickets will be despatched in early April 2006 on a first-come first-served basis..