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Lifeboat Lottery

Summer winners Thank you to all of you who supported the RNLI summer 2005 Lifeboat Lottery, which raised over £470,000.

The first prize, an 18-day Mediterranean cruise, was won by Mr Head from Middlesex. Congratulations to Mr Head and a special thank you to Page & Moy who sponsored the fantastic prize.

Nick Begy, Head of Marketing at Page & Moy, commented: 'We are delighted to be supporting the RNLI and look forward to welcoming Mr Head on board.' Congratulations also to our cash prize winners: Mr JWD Palmer (Kirkcudbrightshire) £1,000; Mr MC Culverhouse (Northamptonshire) £500; Mrs RL Brash (Lanarkshire) £250; and Mr DR Causer (Lincolnshire); Mr EJ Neave (Surrey); Miss RA Lewis (Mid-Glamorgan); Mrs J Cyphus (Avon); MrC Hope (North Yorkshire) who all won £100 each.

'Many thanks for the prize cheque of £250 received. It came at the right time and will be put to good use. Being part of a sea-going family for a number of generations, your cause is very important to me and I wish you well.' Mrs Rhoda Brash, winner of the 4th prize in the summer 2005 Lifeboat LotteryYour chance to win Enter the winter 2005/06 Lifeboat Lottery for a chance to win the grand prize of a cruise onboard the Van Cogh. Destinations may include some of those advertised on the following pages.

Thank you to Travelscope, one of the RNLI's corporate supporters, for once again sponsoring the first prize. You could also win one of the eight cash prizes ranging from £100 to £1,000.

Tickets for the winter 2005/06 Lifeboat Lottery will be available from 7 October. If you do not currently receive tickets and would like the opportunity to win this fabulous cruise, please contact RNLI supporter care on 0845 121 4999 or email [email protected]. (Not available in Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland.).